Friday, February 19, 2010

What Is The Cellular Basis Of Cancer?

Aznar: the politics punks

If gentlemen, Here we have, "we can not live without," our friend Jose Mari Ansar, the trio of the Azores (left alone in the photo, reaching more), the lies of mass destruction, who was working in ellou this night and this morning ... that the decree, the Prestige, that of so many ...

no longer wears his hair in the wind, his mustache is now gray, but his wickedness and shamelessness are still intact.

After giving a lecture at the University of Oviedo, and give us new phrases like "They founded the country-or-the arsonist who set fire to the building can not be the fire chief, escorted out, as ex-Prime Minister has been and people he berated students, about the Iraq war and other outrages.

That's when Punk came out the spirit that Ansar has within, that spirit suppressed by the expensive schools and the masses, and drew his finger to walk entirely dedicated to those who rebuked. That punk

of politics had made him have done, had done what he had given the wins, not a hair short of leaving evil to his country abroad, who is not afraid to criticize the president all English, which due to their indomitable spirit has neither master nor master. Little

shame that this type, which is supposed, is to be a tables that have given years of political struggle, but no, he is the last punk of our time, no one can with it, a response to each attack, because he does not cut, because it does what it is pleased, because he is so, because it's Jose Maria Ansar, freed of the terror which all English with preventive war in Iraq.

So I will leave here, I'm going to create the Facebook group "Ansar, the punks politics."


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