Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dyslexia Statistics Chart Us

.... THANKS TO ALL OF TODAY ALGETE PSOE a little stronger.

A PSOE Councillor plus one minus the PP. PP's absolute majority in the need Algete agreements, discussions and agreements to remain in the current minority mayor. Won in our town .... the real democracy of the vote. And just hope that no party is sold to the highest bidder and to bid for democracy.

congratulate Immaculate Juárez. The PP of Algete. And its members. I congratulate the new policy algeteña: USD UPyD. And I'm pleased with the result of IU and Esperanza Martínez.

In many polling stations to vote PSOE and IU is higher than the PP. That did not happen four years ago. And it has been at worst PSOE time mark nationally. The expectations for 2015 are now very high. And just possibly we better win and not settle up will cost us some counselor. In that line work.

But mostly I want to stress that the PSOE has been Algete counter to what happened in Spain, in Madrid and in our area. We climbed a councilman, the PP does not rise and the council also lose the majority. Not only that, UPyD itself does not appear strongly in the municipality. And that is the result of a job well done Algete PSOE team. But a model of politics than usual that citizens have honored with your vote for our candidacy.

nobody is now only sell for a fee and democracy work in full, on the street in the City. The PP, winner by votes, is required to promptly agree, agree issues .... but above all to discuss and agree.

Algete won in real democracy ... the vote. But need more participation. I hope someday we all understand that voting is democracy. Other things that are not, but democracy NO.

I said. THANKS. And we still have to work one day less to change in 2015 .... Algete ahead.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Car Letter Of Agreement Sample

without a majority in the PP and PSOE Algete a councilor more ... but there is much to be done. Discussion

Algete the PSOE, led by Jorge Rodriguez, the only one who got in the stand to pull PP. Start the Juarez Inmaculada absolute majority and achieve a councilman from 2007.

Immaculate Popular Party mayor Juárez reduced by representation (10 Councillors).

Algete Socialists are the only ones who hold the type in northern Madrid, getting even a councilor from 2007, reaching the six aldermen. Izquierda Unida

get two councilors in the next term, one more than in the previous edition. For its part UPyD also get representation in this town of 13,000 inhabitants with voting rights. ---

PSOE PP 10 6 IU 2

$ 2 UPD 1

Monday, May 16, 2011

Loans Against Credit Card Sales

SER-PP PSOE-IU ... a good initiative.

-Link to the full audio interview below:

http://www.sermadridnorte.com/noticias/ the-debt-and-la-gestion-de-expenses-star in-the-debate-electoral-de-algete_16919 /

A very good initiative. An interesting debate. And a clear winner .... citizens can now compare projects. Algete

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Register A Homemade Trailer Ontario

Algete To win ... Video Presentation Application

Nobody gives a pass in the management of Juarez Inmaculada PP-Union and Santo Domingo. They do not give a pass or their "vote of brand" loyal. Until recently, those planning to vote PP giving Algete back to acknowledge that they have been deceived Immaculate Juárez. For if evil is being evil ruler, the worse lie shamelessly to the public, and that, I lie, I have done on and unseemly. Where is the reform of Valderrey? And the school concluded? And the indoor pool? And everything they promised to every neighborhood and every neighbor in the 2007 campaign? And the promised tax cuts turned into increases over 30% in the IBI? And the new Health Centre? Not only have they lied, they have also wasted: official cars, armies of positions of trust, parties, new offices, advertising, giving away land in exchange for discounts to play golf. No Juarez Inmaculada could do worse. But not enough to recognize it. Algete to do an exercise in democracy to send home someone who has been the worst mayor of democracy. We can not afford another four years of no management. Nor can we tolerate lies. On May 22 Algete have to win, not the PP. He has to win Algete, Inmaculada not Juárez. Education has to win, sport, the fight against unemployment, culture or our dealers, not the army of positions of trust which cost us more than a million euros a year. And to win Algete, has to win the Socialist Party and his candidacy. Algete Algeteños think. Politicians who think of their citizens. Change projects, progress and improvement for the town. In your hand, and your vote will decide whether we lose or win another four years Algete to progress. I do not doubt, TO WIN ALGETE ... vote PSOE.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Ethnic Group Does Albinism Affect Most

PSOE Algete 2011 ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chetana & Guy's Name Is Prithvi

4 years of Immaculate lies with Juarez.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Futures And Options Hull

Presentation and Start of Campaign Bid. Interview with Nacho Pinedo

On May 4 of the nomination PSOE Algete 2011 in the School of Music and Dance with a full house to the rafters. More than 200 people in an auditorium which could hear the words of Jorge Rodriguez, PSOE candidate for Mayor of Algete, Amparo Valcarce, number two for the Assembly of Madrid and former delegate of the government, and Carlos Mulas, Director of the Ideas Foundation.

the night of May 6 was the putting up posters. Traditional night stuck at which were present a large number of members of the PSOE in Algete.

Since that night began a campaign that will Algete socialists under the slogan "To win Algete, Jorge Rodriguez ".... bet" For Change. "

Tattoo Generator Font

... number three

Interview Algete Nacho Pinedo PSOE from North Chronicle on Vimeo .

Nacho Pinedo: "The algeteños have suffered four years of neglect and abandonment of PP-Holy Union Domingo "

Nacho, number three on the PSOE list for municipal Algete May this year," The commitment of socialists is to Algete. So it is outrageous to see Immaculate Juárez, unable to defend his disastrous management, choosing to attack the PSOE.

P - to be part of the most visible of the socialist project in Algete, during a difficult time, what is the motivation to Nacho Pinedo?
R - Return to the front row at a time like this, it is not comfortable, but instead whether it is a challenge attractive, particularly when relying, as in my case, on a computer and a project like the one led by George.

P - Surveys Vds are handled as winner of the May municipal Algete PSOE. If these forecasts are confirmed as the next Councillor for Finance How do you analyze the economic situation of the City of Algete?
R - Algete City Council is in a state of economic collapse are difficult to solve, hence the challenge. In these four years has been chosen to give back to reality, has spent as if the crisis is not with us and even worse without worrying about how to find the resources to pay these costs, it has squandered on non-essential spending and sumptuous at the same time that gave the municipal assets. Remember how it has delivered one million square meters to a private entity in exchange for discounts to play golf, when this spot could be a lifeline for our economy or the mayor rides in official car paid for all algeteños. There is a general waste of municipal resources and an irresponsible attitude on the forecast of revenue. Something which has led to year after year we have a difference between expenditure and revenue of five million euro and 30 million accumulated debt out there, with PP-Union Santo Domingo, in the municipal accounts.

Q-What you think about the attacks suffered by the PSOE Algete from Juarez Inmaculada's candidacy?
R - The Union attacks Santo Domingo PP-PSOE Algete are immoral. But most immoral is to see the Immaculate spokesman Juárez to such attacks is a David Erect who lives in Madrid, which is on the lists of Madrid and has worked only in the last term to earn a salary of almost not appear Algete by the municipality.
The commitment of socialists is to Algete and we want to talk about realities and offer solutions, convinced that algeteños will appreciate our work. Against our reality is the amazing campaign of opposition to the PP Algete held against the Opposition, as if it was the socialist group responsible for the management and zero waste, that during the past four years we have suffered with Juarez Inmaculada Algete neighbors.
The PSOE during this term the socialist municipal group has been attacked from the municipal government and has endured many obstacles in their work. But at the race surprised the constant attacks that the PP maintains Santo Domingo to the PSOE Algete, when what should be the dissemination of proposals and explanation of management, or whatever they have been doing. Given that Juarez has Inmaculada breached the 90% of its program. Immaculate
Juárez and his party, always away from the neighbors, have never known the real needs of our people can not defend based management self-interest and are now trying to hide her anger and the attack on who really is an alternative serious government, the PSOE Algete.

P - Nacho Pinedo is a historical reference of the PSOE and algeteño of birth. From that position, what will be the priorities of the PSOE in front of City Hall Algete?
R-The Socialist Party intends to make economically viable Algete City Council. And we do not cut services to the public. It is our intention to reach a large municipal agreement which can ensure that all together, we address the difficult situation inherited from years of mismanagement of PP-Union Santo Domingo.
As algeteño, knowing my neighbors, I know that together we will achieve what we set out. The problem of Juarez Inmaculada PP-Union and Santo Domingo have never believed in or on the algeteños Algete.
In May 2011 Algete make the change and we will make a draft Algete algeteños and leave behind the Juarez Inmaculada project in Santo Domingo and Santo Domingo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Deck Blue Defensive Magic

Algete PSOE Jorge Rodríguez presentation speech candidate for mayor of Algete.

Thanks to all those present.

Amparo Carlos, colleagues, neighbors Algete. Thank you all for being today in the submission of the PSOE Algete.
A bid of men and women who have the backing of part of a party, the English Socialist Workers Party, with more than 130 years of history and a path in front of municipal and regional governments ... in front of the Government of Spain ... a history of working for and with citizens. Work and personal sacrifices for their neighbors, their people and their land.

Well, here we have it. Here we are.

A bid, made by algeteños. Think Algete and Algete. And they are not sold to the interests of a few, or the particular interest of a party or an ideology. Because

socialist as you have here before you know we're here to serve the citizens, to put our ideology and our party at their service.

And, as the Partido Popular. That puts citizens and institutions to serve their party and their interests.

... ...

These elections are held in Algete amid economic crisis has highlighted the lack of ideas and draft an Immaculate Juárez and Popular Party are unable to give answers to problems, but also a day to day citizens.

I'm going to explain and are you going to understand very easily. Can you trust someone who thinks only of having power and maintain it? Can we trust politicians who only think about them? Well, that is the People's Party Algete. His identification with power is such that it seems that their only function these four years has been that of Mrs. Juarez, being in power. Occupying power, not lose it. Whatever the case, against whoever.

are ambition for power and are obsessed with keeping it. Ambition and obsession with power which leads them to the Popular Party in government to do the opposite of what DIDENA in opposition. And failed to fulfill its promises with the same speed with which they invent new lies and failures.

... go out into the street, talk to citizens, and we explain how important it is to analyze and judge the result of the Juárez Immaculate policies in front of the municipal government. Demagogic policies. Policies that have divided algeteños on developments to punish or reward each other according to what they think voters. Policies that destroy the education system, abused women, including teens and punishes the weak.

. Look ...

Today we pay 30 percent more than IBI. How today's public companies and the City Council become PP placement agencies. How now spends more than a million euros in positions of trust. How today there are more unemployed in Algete.
and sincerely. Look ... How
Algete socialist pledge to free textbooks for families. How we save 1 million euros to eliminate the figure of the positions of trust. How can we promote public employees to management positions. How do Algete capital of culture, sport or social policies.

Time to banish sectarianism and lack of transparency in political management.
It's time to tell the citizens to defend their freedom begins with equality. Playing field in education or health.
It's time to explain to many neighbors that we retrieve a free public education and quality.
It's time to say BASTA politicians, such as the Popular Party, which carry the lies and manipulation by flag.

Term. And I do request that the May 23 put all our best to open a process of extensive and sincere dialogue on key municipal problems. And what happens, if this dialogue, to once and for all a little common sense in the economic management of the City of Algete.

algeteños Algete and deserve, need, policy makers and higher order than those who take their initials election.


're going to change. We will give color to its streets, its people. Let's give them hope for a better future.


Monday, May 2, 2011


May 4 presentation ceremony Bid PSOE ... Algete 2011. PSOE


I leave