Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bible Scriptures On Housewarming

Alli where we used to scream "Love Of Lesbian

There goes one of my latest discoveries.

do not know where I've become today?
Where we used to scream.
Ten years before this ageless
now the monster is still alive and still no peace.

And banks that write
half in darkness, without thinking,
all the verses of "Heroes"
with the faults of a boy,
are still are.
And even today, is beyond my control,
problem and solution,
and the cry is always lurking,
is the answer.
And even today, only cry and fiction

get off my black lights alert.

I have a plastic knife and
where there used to be metal,
and the strange book that expelled you from school,
I had to burn their leaves.

And in the irons that separate the most brutal fall

follow the two inicales
we wrote to beat.
There are ... Vertical and transverse

I scream and I'm glass,
just the middle, where both hated

when you repeated me that I
will sink and sink, and only the cry
serve us.
You said "easy" and used to start.

And it always comes back
cry and die with us,
cold and brief as a verse, written in language

And always!

will destroy you and destroy me cry
and only
and now we serve is not easy,
you used to start. Vertical and transverse
, I scream and I'm
just the middle, which

hated so much when you provoked me howl.

And that's it, no peace,
oh, and no peace.

And that's it, no peace,
oh, and no peace.

Who do you scream?
I know and you do not ask
you never, no.


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