Friday, February 23, 2007

Step By Step Guide On How To Make A 3d Plant Cell

is not goodbye ... IS SOON

My esteemed fellow blogger adventure of bitter disputes and hilarious comments, I wanted to apologize for not giving ball and do not respond to comments.

happens sometimes in life, when you least expect it, turn around things and break new ground.

For me, the way that I open is to return to the old lands of Europe. My bosses think I'm more valuable there than here. Is it about living in this era of globalization.

But do not worry that I will continue to stick on this blog and in yours. As is fully installed, become fully operational again. Just as much, at some point in time I will make a visit.

wanted to thank you for the attention and your interest in THE ANALYST AFICIONADO. Back soon .... I promise. Meanwhile

..... close your eyes and hear this wonderful song ... soundtrack to a memorable movie .....

you soon.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Short Story, Almond Poisoning


Metro newspaper article

A father in the fridge (refrigerator) to collect the pension. The grandson found the body in the basement after seven years. MARCO

Sivieri rarely found the attitude of his father, Gaetano, when, last Sunday, asked him to come down to the basement for cleaning. Iban to sell the flat in Aosta (northern Italy) with a storage room and Marco wanted begin to empty. Gaetano

As he answered evasively, finally took the keys to a neglect of his father and went to take a look. After browsing a while, he opened the refrigerator cabinet.

Inside was the frozen body of his grandfather Olmo. He ran home to alert the police. When the carabinieri arrived, the father fell: he confessed it was he who had placed the body there for several years.

Sivieri Gaetano, 63, explained yesterday why his performance in an interview to the news on Canale 5.

backs to hide his face and his voice breaking, told him had done to keep the old substantial pension of 2,500 euros, the sole breadwinner, since he could not find work.

"I was desperate," said Sivieri, which told how the death just before the bank had introduced a bill out of funds of 250 billion lire (about 125,000 euros).

So when in 2000 he found Olmo, 86, ill with cancer and Alzheimer's, dead, decided to hide it and say to his wife and son who had gone into a house in Genoa. Neither

Marco nor his mother, Ariane, was never to see him. They were content with the news that gave them Gaetano, Olmo said they were well cared for, but getting worse.

Even if the autopsy (which can not be made until the body has been thawed) confirm his story, Gaetano will face the consequences of their actions: justice will be forced to return all money raised from the dead . RS

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Starbucks Blueberry Cheescake Recipe

Do you remember this glorious moment?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pokemon Snap Working Rom


Due to the success (not just by name) of a Previous articulo , me ha parecido interesante compartir otro articulo de Porfirio Cristaldo Ayala.
El articulo del Sr. Cristaldo viene a cuento, por que tiene que ver con este otro articulo que aparecía hoy en El Pais , en el que se habla de como las modas del primer mundo, arruinan el medioambiente del tercer mundo. Pero... ¿realmente el culpable es el primer mundo de este caso en concreto?
Los ecologistas deberían defender el capitalismo.

Porfirio Cristaldo Ayala.

Environmentalists should defend capitalism, because it is the only natural economic system and the only one who has overcome poverty.
Capitalism and socialism are not simply two opposing economic systems, invented by various economists, the first , unlike the second, was not invented by anyone, but emerged naturally from the necessities of survival of the species, like other institutions, such as family, language, laws, trade.

Capitalism goes back to the Stone Age. About seven million years ago, our ancestors, primates living in the jungles of Africa, down from the trees, penetrated into the plains and began to walk upright. This hands were freed and allowed them to make tools, utensils and weapons for hunting. These rustic stone tools were the first capital of our ancestors, their primary asset, allowed them to improve their standard of living, add the meat to your diet, and allowed them to enlarge the brain.

For primitive man, the market was not a system but an inseparable part of human nature and individual freedom. Human beings can not survive, as do other animals, following their instinctual drives and using his strength, his speed, his fangs, claws. Must observe, think and act. The survival instinct encourages them to continually improve their situation. And hence arises the market. If man does not care for his person, his family, his tribe, if it produces and participates in productive exchanges, might perish.

Differences in the field of natural abilities allow men specialization. Some are more skilled as hunters, others as farmers, there are those who raise animals and have to make tools. Etcetera. Looking to improve your situation, individuals peacefully exchange their products, based on, first, of barter and then money.

Since time immemorial, man knows only two ways to get the products you need: by peaceful production and trade, which we know as capitalism, or the use of force and theft of others, behavior defines offenders and criminals. The peaceful cooperation in the market, which voluntarily exchange goods and services was often more convenient than the war and plunder. The Vikings in their maritime expeditions, traded with the well-defended villages and robbed the defenseless.

The dilemma is similar today. People can get their needs in the market (ie, using the peaceful exchange of goods and services), or resorting to theft ... or politics in the latter case, it uses the power of government to take over the foreign, as in socialism. The difference between the socialists and the Vikings is not that those are less barbaric, but that, under socialism, stealing is legal and is called "redistribution of wealth."

Capitalism is a system that arises naturally in any society, even behind that is due to the innate urge of people to the division of labor, specialization and the Pacific Exchange. Also, because the private property system does not require governments and laws, beyond the commandment to "not steal", characteristic of all cultures. Socialism, however, only works through coercion.

The great virtue of capitalism as a natural system of production and exchange is that it forces people to promote to others, both known as the stranger. And, to meet their own needs, should meet in the best possible way, of the other.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fredericton Auction Police Cars

... at bargain prices?

Llego a mi este articulo, que salio publicado en un diario español, y a medida que iba leyendolo, si bien no me sorprendio del todo, si me dejaron perplejo algunas de las afirmaciones y reacciones de algunos de los protagonistas del articulo.

Resulta que las tierras tienen precios de saldo por que nadie se ocupa de ellas, nadie las quiere trabajar, ...pero... ¡¡¡ ah compañero !!!....cuando empiezan a comprarlas los extranjeros, ahi si recien empiezan a tomar importancia.

Esto no es propio unicamente Argentina, here in Uruguay I've also heard statements about trying to ban the purchase of land by foreigners.

I ask you, 99% of Uruguayans and Argentines who descend fuck?. If citizens do not want to work or want to sell, because you can not buy someone out?

This is like the dog in the manger .... or eat or stop eating .... ...

Alarm in Buenos Aires to the massive foreign purchases of land which includes a similar size to half of Spain.

JORGE MARIRRODRIGA - Buenos Aires - 05/02/2007

In the province of Mendoza rich vineyards can be purchased for 60,000 euros hectárea.Los Benetton brothers have in Argentina land equivalent to the province of Valencia some areas of Argentina itself. Companies, organizations or private individuals billionaires have set their sights on one of the largest countries in the world, offering the possibility of buying from huge moorland to fertile vineyards, through the vagaries of nature or farmland near the capital. The South American country is experiencing a mad rush for land sales, both public and private, which, according to researchers, social and political organizations, affects about 300,000 square kilometers, more than half the size of Spain.

The lack of federal legislation on the subject has accelerated a process of the sale, although it has been normal throughout the history of Argentina, has raised cries of alarm that ranging from media to the Catholic Church. "In Santiago del Estero and Chaco [provinces north of the country] hectare worth the worth a hamburger, "complains Andrew Kliphhan, co-author of Land SA, a three-year investigation with Daniel Enz shows the uncontrolled process of selling land living Argentina." There are 30 bills to regulate, either in Parliament federal or provincial, but they are all stuck in the drawer, "he adds.
Kliphhan warns that large buyers are companies in which nothing is known and whose headquarters are located in offshore fiscales.Al least 10% of the country is already in foreign hands, as indicated, citing as its source the Argentine Ministry of Defense, Gonzalo Sanchez, author of The Patagonia Sold.

In fact, the country's largest owner is a family group, multinational Italian Fashion: the Benetton brothers, who own a total of about 10,000 square kilometers, a figure that placed on the 2,780,000 square kilometers of Argentina may not represent much, but moved on the map of Spain would have entirely the province of Valencia or Asturias. Behind them, in the list of five families are placed megapropietarios traditional Argentine, but get more attention from media magnates other foreigners, especially Americans, who have put their eyes and their dollars into the vast lands of Patagonia.

The Benetton, which began buying acres in Argentina in the nineties, not only are the biggest landowners in Argentina, but also the largest producer of Patagonian lamb (and wool) of country. Also, engage in reforestation, with varieties of trees whose wood is used then in the manufacture of furniture. Although they have had legal problems with indigenous communities over the possession of some of their plots of land are considered part of the category of productive owners.

lies in another plane multimillionaire Douglas Tompkins, who as head of the Conservation Land Trust is in possession of some 4,500 square kilometers as the province of Pontevedra, "of which 20% is productive and the rest is part of a personal project of nature conservation, which has raised controversy in Chile as their possessions, declared by the State Nature Sanctuary, publicly accessible but privately-control virtually divided the Andean country in half.
In Argentina, Tompkins, with good connection with the Kirchner couple has bought and then donated the State large tracts of land are subject to nature reserves. Billionaire environmentalist carefully avoids buying land public property-tax-to avoid possible complaints from neighborhood groups and government buildings, but has had problems steps to close neighborhood.
In a third category of large foreign owners would be located those who buy land for personal enjoyment. The most noteworthy are the vice president of AOL / Time Warner and founder of CNN, the Ted Turner, and Joseph Lewis, the sixth richest man in the UK, with businesses around the world and a few quirks such as team Premier League Tottenham Hotspur.

"Historically, Argentina has been engaged sell their land, but the problem is that they are selling land not be sold, "said Gonzalo Sanchez, who denounces the lack of control over public land, ie, those in public ownership on which each province is ie, each governor decides whether and how to sell. The final bill was introduced regularization year and half ago by Rep. José María Díaz Bancalari Peronist, but even he was admitted to parliamentary procedure.

But beyond the flashy names, thousands of investors around the world have set their sights on Argentina, and here are mixed commercial interests, personal dreams and speculation. The province of Mendoza, just over 1,000 miles west of Buenos Aires on the border with Chile, is a good example. Mendoza is characterized by a combination of soil and climate for growing exceptional grapes.

In recent years, large groups French wine, English and Italians are acquiring land and wineries as part of its business expansion strategy. And so are making private citizens, from Argentina and aliens, encouraged by the possibility of realizing the dream of owning a vineyard to cost around 60,000 euros per hectare planted, producing grapes that can then be sold to various cooperatives. But it is also producing a speculative investment encouraged by the projected rise in the price of land.

The Catholic Church has entered the scene with the publication a few months ago a document entitled A land for all, in which he denounced the concentration of productive land and requested a state policy for a problem that affects communities, field workers and city dwellers.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the business, web pages try to catch unwary to claim sales of thousands of acres in Patagonia. "It's a scam. In stores now handle large estate in Argentina," says Andrew Kliphhan, for whom one of the most worrying aspects is the lack of transparency when it comes to knowing who actually own the land.

A land sometimes cheaper than a burger.
  • With 200,000 euros, which is to cost an apartment in Spain on average, would buy 33,000 hectares of arid land, 1,100 miles north Buenos Aires, suitable for livestock and olive trees. There are 3.3 people per square kilometer.
  • Chubut (Patagonia). A 11.5 euros per hectare. In total, 17,400 hectares suitable only for sheep farming. Weather very cold and windy, with 1.8 inhabitants per square kilometer. Located 1,450 kilometers south of Buenos Aires .-

  • Province of Buenos Aires. At about $ 1,000 an acre, could buy 200 acres for livestock production and cereal agriculture.

  • Mendoza. A $ 10,000 per hectare of unplanted vineyard. It could buy 20 hectares. Continental climate, with high temperatures in summer and very cold in winter.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Calcuate Btu Radiator


interesting article Giraut Juan Carlos, a English journalist, where he develops very well the aims of liberalism in (and) the company, compared to other types of ideologies (right and left .)
This post is dedicated to a fellow blogger, that "comrade." See if so, makes it to distinguish liberalism from the right and left. And again not confuse governments Sanguinetti, Lacalle and Batlle with liberalism or neoliberalism.
If at this point ... we can not go with these lessons still ......

Liberalism, Left and Right.

Juan Carlos Giraut
"The liberal position will always have the advantage over the socialist, the object of attention: study, understand and develop first the conditions under which societies generate wealth. Redistributive concern can only come later. It should reduce the endless economic debate between the left and liberalism to two different emphases: the former applies to the redistribution of wealth, the second to the conditions of its creation. As for the positions uncivilized-left or right, are unrelated to liberalism. They have to do with the physical and spiritual annihilation of the adversary and the plundering of the public. Their marks are ideological screen, or the result of international alliances, or tyrannical caprice. The Castro regime exemplifies, for having extended his ignominy for half a century, not only all that all this cruelty and greed, but also the three reasons of ideological affiliation.

back to reasonable people and the two emphases, the liberal position will always have the advantage over the socialist, the object of attention, study, understand and develop first the conditions under which societies generate wealth. Redistributive concern can only come later. This is a logical necessity, not an ideological bias.

Governments can implement liberal policies regardless of the label their parties to stand for election. Conversely, as you know our liberal hatching, decanted into the Austrian and adequately informed and advised of the presence of socialists in all parties.

Since the seventies, which deified Keynes have a problem, whose first manifestation was the stagflation or simultaneous unemployment and inflation skyrocketing. With the consequent futility of the whole model of corrections, based on encouragement or enervation of demand, as needed, from political power.

If stagflation was a new phenomenon, what has happened since then, especially the rapid increase of interdependencies at the global level we call "globalization" are little more than useless classic recipes from the left. Again, the left civilized. The other-and its counterpart, the right-are uncivilized matter for the police or the army.

One of the greatest services that hatching young are paying a liberal society is the dissemination of this idea: liberalism is not simply opposed to left, is opposed to left and right too interventionist. The adverb matter, as there is and should have been. Always required liberals to protect life and property of individuals. Today it extends the desire (and consolidation) to public health systems and training. Coexisting systems, of course, education and private healthcare.

market alone generates wealth. Once generated, companies may choose to governments committed to the equalization of opportunities. Most liberals, here and now, they sign it. Not so, despite appearances, the clueless left, determined to match results and individual merit disdain.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Mrqmin Nonlinear Fit C


In one of my previous post (Dictators If .. If you are Socialists), could be seen as a more or less large number of Uruguayan citizens, clapped, waved, hugged excited to Chavez, cheered to Socialism and reinvidicaban for this country, for Uruguay.

Well in this post, I show that is what would come to Uruguay, where they will be implemented Chavez's socialist model.

This is what the majority voted for official entry into the Mercosur.

I think I will understand clearly, clarito .... without me having to do "reactionary and ideological discourses" as some participants in this I blame the blog.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Best Value Zoom Binocular

SOCIALISM Uruguay ...

is known that the Senate yesterday unanimously agreed to waive banking Leonardo Nicolini in the middle of a tense meeting. But we also know that Mr. Nicolini receive a subsidy of about $ 23,000 per month ordered by the MPP. It is also known that the administrative investigation conducted by Minister Maria Julia Muñoz, resulted in Senator Leonardo Nicolini not have direct responsibility for assistance in obtaining library cards of Public Health.

And I wonder ..... "That $ 23,000 of which come ?...¿ Who put that money ?...¿ Militants ?...¿ O MPP puts Juan Pueblo, ie ?.... turnips always will follow this closely ....

So Mr. Nicolini has no responsibility to obtain the card ..... of course, the official / a gave him yes, and the senator did not realize they gave him something that did not fall .. ... just realized a month later .... so if the surgery done and have to have them well ..... great .....

is known that Secretary of State's "Empire", Condoleezza Rice, said yesterday in Washington that the U.S. will increase the distribution of money to America America and countries such as Uruguay, which has just signed a trade agreement and have a chance to take off their country and receive "the money."

Well, at least the first world still trusts us not miss .... but who says that "evil Yankees" seek to undermine our sovereignty in exchange for the funds clear ........ the "Red Gorilla is a sister of charity and not asking anything in return as well.

account is there, there is much intrigue to know the true political significance of the visit of President George W. Bush to Uruguay. Is in recognition the signing of the TIFA or due to a concern about the influence of the "Red Gorilla" in the region?

Whatever it is, I think that should be welcomed the visit. One thing is not to support the USA in Iraq and quite another to have good relations and strengthen commercial ties with the power (like it or not) No 1 in the world. So those "anti-imperialist, anti-Bush, anti-globalization, anti-capitalist, anti-liberal, etc, etc ..... have a wonderful opportunity to stay home these days ....
Although the PIT-CNT has decided to take their "hosts" to the street. Menudo show .... then everyone will see CNN and FOX, throw left-wing trade unionist and taking the road ..... that's what is called "image ".... we the best country for investment and capital coming into the country .. .

is known that a major Brazilian business group (Votorantim Celulose e Papel) wants to install a pulp mill, similar to that of Bothnia, on the Uruguay River and in front of Argentina's Misiones Province. The investment would be about U $ S 1,300 million.

Hehehe .... now if we'll see how great the environmental awareness of the Argentine piqueteros with Mr. K to the head. More than environmental awareness, I will not hold the desire to see if the picketers (And the Argentine government) have what they claim to have and what they are doing with Uruguay ... and especially if they cross the border to distribute leaflets against the plant .... That would be a show ... . bloody of course

five are known to Uruguayan soldiers (assigned to the Mission of United Nations Peacekeeping in the Congo), who disappeared in the Congo. Ural truck traveling in a Uruguayan Army, which was carrying fuel to resupply tasks from the capital, Kinshasa, to the town of Matadi, lost contact with his base. The vehicle did not arrive on time to your destination and its occupants did not respond to calls made by radio.

The first news was that the forest had eaten ..... hehehe .... now is that the cannibal is the forest ...

Would not a whiskey bar in the jungle, with a few other Congolese, the cause of this "Bermuda Triangle"?

is said that the Embassy of Argentina in Uruguay released a tribute to the work of the police during the demonstration on Monday in Independence Square against Argentine environmentalists who arrived in Montevideo to distribute leaflets against the installation of Bothnia. We also know that the Uruguayan Foreign Minister Reinaldo Gargano, said rejecting "all of violence "and that President Vázquez told his colleagues his" strong rejection "of the incidents.

course now the fault of Uruguayans who were to hold their own.

political Lords , Argentines and Uruguayans, but allow yourself to play the balls and treat people like assholes!. If you do not know how to take precautions, if you fanned the flames of one form or another, do not blame people for what happens after .

Do not know what would happen?. Of course, as in Uruguay (the country appears to Alicia) freedom is respected, you can not prevent the so-called "environmentalists" (! ¡¡...¡¡ Piqueteros balls!) Come to campaign against Botnia.

Well Uruguayans not be prevented from defending their sovereignty !!!... So if that is to defend the sovereignty of the country ..... and it is not only the arm when it comes to Bush quibombo , when going to sign an FTA or when he sings the PIT-CNT.

When the government does not pursue what is it going .... what happened .... the people came out to defend his own .... and no more reasons ....

Vázquez takes a hand in the conflict Dancotex, after workers suggested to the president to form a tripartite context to create "political of State "that point to the textile industry.

mongolica as there is in this country !!!..... or is that first make every effort to melt the company .....¡ and then they want to become entrepreneurs !!!..... that if, with the company (sheds, machinery, raw materials, etc) from other ...

If you want to develop their own company does not look bad ..... but that risk, that bet from scratch makes a normal businessman, with a vocation. But no, here are all for the company where they work leave no more, and then want to take over part of the decisions.
tá .... .... I love
see this project as "productive country" under this model "cooperative." It gives me the feeling that since this is taken seriously by the government, here's someone else to eat grass that the cows ...