Monday, March 28, 2011

Bathroom Truest Form Of Art

Swimming Pool ... the "Big Lie" Immaculate Union Juarez and PP-Santo Domingo.

I leave the complaint is made on the blog of the residents of New Algete. The illusion of the neighbors to have an indoor swimming pool has become, by the carelessness and the lack of management capacity Immaculate Juárez, in the "BIG LIE" Municipal Government Union PP-Santo Domingo. We are in the spring of 2011 and the works of the pool deck just started still paralyzed. Immaculate Juarez, mayor of the Popular Union Party Santo Domingo, once again fulfill its commitments, failure to his word.

The Mayor Algete, P. electoral coalition Union Popular, Santo Domingo, announced three years ago, which was one of the flagship projects of its electoral propaganda: the construction of an indoor pool. We had already reported that the winning project for the construction of the new swimming pool to be located at the Polideportivo Municipal Algete Duke. " The cost of this project is approximately € 3.2 million, which will be covered entirely with municipal investment .. The expected completion date is spring 2011. The jury chose this project was made by Councilman Sports, two technicians from the Sports council and two architects.

We are in the spring of 2011, the deadline has passed, and as we see in these pictures, just started works have stalled.

Immaculate Juarez, mayor of the People's Union P. Santo Domingo, again fulfill its commitments, failure to his word. Of course, according to the website of the City of Algete, which has become the propaganda page Inma and his boys said that the indoor pool is now a reality Algete.


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