Leo in the newspaper The Observer an article which stated that Sen. Lucia Topolansky
aims to implement the Law on Volunteerism for the restoration of educational buildings.
As is clear in the article, what is intended by the senators "... call neighbors of the 10 high schools in which classes did not begin by building problems to make the necessary arrangements. According to Topolansky three weekends in a row would be enough to make about schools have come down by the passage of time and lack of budget. In this project put into operation, ANEP shall appoint a capable force and the Ministry of Labour inspector to head up the work .... .'s aides will not receive any salary, as indicated by the Law on Volunteerism. "
is, you estimate a Uruguayan citizen who pays taxes (and if not paid, badly done), you have to devote weekend rather than sit, relax and enjoy with your family ... to laburar to make the endurance (and eat the shank) to the government. That
provide work for those who do not, the needy, make the lower classes without income people with dignity through work ... Where is it?.
Nothing ... keep up the patronage of .... BREAD turnips always be provided to support the country. While the "masters of management" as Ms. Mujica Topolansky get the medals ...
PS ... Did you see the framed photo is not the "Pepe"?
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