Friday, September 14, 2007

Brown Mucus Missed Period

This post is not going to speak of, no doubt, an event of the year and in a way, has blown up the dull routine policy Uruguay. I refer to this attempt by the minister Múgica of "shit to blows" to his predecessor, Aguirrezabala , that if the bodyguards around ... just in case. Nor

I speak of a mysterious fact to be followed closely, as is the disappearance of weapons from the air base Boisse Lanza.

No. This post will focus on information that comes from Spain, but it can certainly be extrapolated to many other countries, including Uruguay. And I mean the subject of education, particularly school education.

This problem that has dragged on for many years in Spain, now operates a number of measures taken by the socialist government of Rodriguez Zapatero.

Minister of Education, held in April this year a proposal which required the high school students (secondary high schools) to adopt more than half of the subjects to move to the next course, studying those suspended over some subjects of the following year to complete.

But it appears a report a PISA and the European Commission expressed deep concern at the apparent failure at school in Spain.

What Zapatero government proposes solution to combat school failure?. For something very simple ... .. let them even easier to students, pupils.

And now, those students who have up to four! suspended materials can move to the next course. The minister argues "that must make schooling more attractive to students, less rigid, more flexible and tailored to your needs " later wondering "... if a student gets overcome several subjects of a course , although not completely finished, is it logical to penalize forcing him to repeat full? "

reflection that emerges from these actions of the government of Zapatero is:

- A lo que conducen estas medidas es, básicamente, a rebajar el nivel de exigencia y por tanto de excelencia del sistema educativo español. Teniendo en cuenta los datos de fracaso escolar español en las distintas redes educativas (33% en colegios/liceos públicos, 13,9% en los concertados (colegios/liceos privados con financiación publica) y 3,6% en colegios privados), podemos ver que los que más sufrirán estas medidas serán los más desfavorecidos, los chicos/as de estratos socioeconómicos más bajos y/o pertenecientes a las minorías de inmigrantes. Por que según datos de la OCDE, los jóvenes adultos con bajos niveles de educación, son potenciales marginados sociales, who have higher risk of unemployment and also more likely than this, is of long duration.

Most parents' associations and teachers, have sounded the alarm and claim that "it is unfortunate that a minister who is unable to reduce school failure, is dedicated to making proposals as the High School you can pass course with four suspended, a measure that will be more school failure because the kids see that it's okay for not studying. "

As if that were not enough with these "solutions antifracaso school, the Zapatero's Socialist government has established by decree delivery a new compulsory subject called "Education for Citizenship."

introduce a new subject and more under that name, there would be nothing wrong, but for much of English society is against the purpose of the field. And is that a substance, promoted by the government as a tool to teach values \u200b\u200bto be good citizens or good citizens, we have seen that has become the less of something else entirely. Once

textbooks already on the street and sale, which has proven indoctrinating is the character of the subject, with a high burden of arbitrariness and government intervention, where prevailing ideological discourse against the teaching of values.

Ultimately, as I recognized a secondary school teacher and left voter confessed "to the Zapatero government, ideological tremendously important thing is that each utilize their talents, but we all know as well as the less fit, so as to be all equal, and never travel the path of excellence and effort ".

And so, future generations of schoolchildren and high school students will have an increasingly distant education needs then they will face in real life in an increasingly demanding and competitive.
This is the problem resulting when viewed education as a political propaganda tool for future loyalty voters instead of being qualified and librepensantes generations.
What a legacy they will leave .....


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