"Put a nuclear graveyard in his village, this appears to be the fashion this winter.
The ban has been opened and are now not only Yebra where they want to install but to each session of each council resolution comes a request from the cemetery.
And is that many euros to be received by the council of the day, and a handful of jobs, according to this the thing that makes it very tempting to be the best placed to make the process that opened the industry ministry .
really, unless you have a leak or incident, for which Spain is a land paid for all these occurrences. Well, not for a rare occurrence, as normal is that nothing happens, the council may receive a large sum of money to improve the town, and many residents of this town will have work.
of no use to refuse to be the chosen people, because then come the next village, and put it in its municipal area, but will be closer to our people that the Orthrus and the others who will reap the benefits . Remember
I'm not in favor of nuclear energy at all, looking firmly by alternative energy sources more expensive in the beginning but just with the environment in all apectos.
That if we have to keep in mind that until you close all nuclear power plants, until then, we store the waste, because unfortunately we do not go away by signing a law or decree. So we are consistent.
And if possible, to put it in Madrid, so we can pay some debt Gallardón, and who cares, if even in Yebra, if that "folder" as they say in my neighborhood is going to get well.
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