What show is now an extract of the Law 7 / 1985 of April 2, Rules of the Local. The aim is to remind council members and mayor of Vic, if not registered to any immigrants are breaking the law, and not rectification can be sanctioned.
Article 16.
1. Writing under Law 14/2003 of 20 November. The Municipal Register is the record Administrative show ing the inhabitants of a town. Their data provide proof of residence in the municipality and the usual residence therein. The certifications that these data are issued will be authentic and authoritative for all administrative purposes. "
I only transcribed a point, the most elemental, and that we can ask many questions;
- If not register in the municipal immigrants that happens, they are not people or what?

The mayor Josep Maria Vila d'Abadal
to ask this question only you can see the vileness and morals of this series of "responsible" politicians are denying Vic resident status to a person, something so simple, simple and basic as that. If this is true, as will the corporation at the time of draft policies of integration.
And speaking of irresponsibility, the PSC is part of the covenant of government in the corporation, and I say, from ignorance, what is the position of those council members of the PSC? Will agree? If not they are, it would be necessary to break the covenant of government? "And in the affirmative, should the PSC records, and even expulsion from the party? because it can not be a Socialist Party members support this action type. Hopefully
an amendment to the corporation in full, and if they are punished by all the law, and secondly I hope other position of the members of PSC. Because immigrants were
us before, because this land is warm welcomed us like we
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