Last week I read a story that came from Germany and I was struck by the determination of the protagonists. This determination is a consequence of the threats it is subjected mainly European society, like other Western societies, culturally speaking.

seems that the Luftwaffe pilots have ready to shoot down airliners if they were hijacked for terrorist purposes. These fighter pilots would be designed on the bases of Wittmund and Neuburg.
Germans military commanders have worried that there is a refusal to obey orders in the emergency squads on constant alert to defend German airspace if it becomes such an eventuality. Refusal to obey orders of superiority among the members of either of these two squads is unimaginable, "said a German officer, whose identity is obviously not disclosed.
But the amazing thing about news is that it was noted that in the case of being obliged to give the order to shoot down an airliner hijacked by terrorists, the German Defence Minister Franz-Josef Jung, then resign from office.
why the Minister should resign if he acts under the pretext of a possible future constitutional law and especially when exercising their duty?
Although the post Should the West is in danger? talked about everything from cultural issues, also moved a little under the threat that was Europe and the West against Islamic radicalism.
There will be some who will respond that this is due to the Iraq war and the invasion histrionic "Mr Danger " Bush. What happens is that the 11-S happened before the invasion and that was one of the first blow to Western civilization.
These weeks ago have been carried out very important arrests (40 arrested in 14 months) of Islamist terrorist cells in Germany and Denmark, prepared to undertake such bloody attacks as less as 11-M in Madrid, and which carried hundreds kilos of chemical materials for making explosives devastating.
In Europe people are afraid, yet was "surprised" and is unconscionable actions, for example, calls for the German defense minister.
United States has not forgotten the tragedy of September 11 and has been the most effective remedy to avoid being beaten by her again. Because, despite the troubles that the United States military is suffering, for example, in the Iraqi theater, the truth is the American people have not heard from terrorism within its borders since that fateful Tuesday. They have led the fight to the enemy, keeping the defense away from American cities, it probably does not know what or do not want to recognize the current pro-peace return to the U.S. troops.

the contrary, Europe is still going on the attack plans. There has been one year since 2001, in which there have been arrests of al-Qaeda cells in Germany, Italy, the UK and Spain itself.
This post is not intended as an apology for the war, although there are some who might think so, but as Churchill said at the peak of World War 2 against Germany:
"It is false that the war has brought misery to mankind, there are things that can only be resolved by war"
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