Monday, September 10, 2007

Is Holsten Pils Lager


Last week I was reading a prestigious and influential business daily in Europe and I could not help in stopping to read and reread a story that surprised me though, it is still a ray of hope.

seems that the world's largest union of industrial workers, the German metalworkers' union IG Metall, prepares a deep ideological reform in all its structures improve and guarantee the rights of workers in future negotiations with the government and the private sector.

Change starts from the top when the number two, Berthold Huber, will succeed current chairman of IG Metall, Jurgen Peters. It seems that the latter had as its main line of action, the union model based on the confrontation in the street fighting. Discussed in Germany, Peters radicalism has not yielded any results in these times of globalization and ideological revolution. His idea of \u200b\u200bimmobility and union vision steeped in the most ancient orthodoxy, has hurt more workers than previously thought. His

substitute, Huber, instead looking for a strategic shift, based more on the maintenance and further increase in jobs. His vision is closer to labor as a part of the free market economic structure ...

In Germany, following the lead of Anglo-Saxon countries were the pioneers. For them, liberalism is not a punishment ... it is the most efficient tool for allocating resources.

Are not you jealous sound? How many years or decades it will take for the PIT-CNT, perform an action so responsible and so vital to the whole country, Uruguay, like its German peers?.
I'm afraid this is not a model to copy for the PIT-CNT ....


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