Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Nintendo Product Registration Generator


The brilliant Oliviero Toscani is back to public stage as could not be otherwise, with a "controversial" advertising campaign.

Again, your pictures are irrefutably true that from ....." A picture is worth a thousand words . "

The images correspond to a striking campaign that is taking place in Italy against anorexia that appears to be wreaking havoc on the young (and not so young) of the first world.

is no doubt that these images may educate the target audience (anorexic and bulimic) more than what you can do a "dissertation" some / a pseudo considered in the matter.

Anyway ... now, it is not about to burst .... to make fried cakes and President Vázquez .... are walking to their place of work ... to be healthy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Witch Hazel Industrial Piercing


Last week I read a story that came from Germany and I was struck by the determination of the protagonists. This determination is a consequence of the threats it is subjected mainly European society, like other Western societies, culturally speaking.

I read the news account as the German Defense Minister Franz-Josef Jung, has been calling for a constitutional law for the Luftwaffe (air force Germanic) to bring down civilian planes taken by terrorists for attacks such as the 11-S.

seems that the Luftwaffe pilots have ready to shoot down airliners if they were hijacked for terrorist purposes. These fighter pilots would be designed on the bases of Wittmund and Neuburg.

Germans military commanders have worried that there is a refusal to obey orders in the emergency squads on constant alert to defend German airspace if it becomes such an eventuality. Refusal to obey orders of superiority among the members of either of these two squads is unimaginable, "said a German officer, whose identity is obviously not disclosed.

But the amazing thing about news is that it was noted that in the case of being obliged to give the order to shoot down an airliner hijacked by terrorists, the German Defence Minister Franz-Josef Jung, then resign from office.

why the Minister should resign if he acts under the pretext of a possible future constitutional law and especially when exercising their duty?

Although the post Should the West is in danger? talked about everything from cultural issues, also moved a little under the threat that was Europe and the West against Islamic radicalism.

There will be some who will respond that this is due to the Iraq war and the invasion histrionic "Mr Danger " Bush. What happens is that the 11-S happened before the invasion and that was one of the first blow to Western civilization.
been six years since the terrorist slaughter in the Twin Towers in New York. Six years in which the world has changed radically, six years that have redefined global security threats.

These weeks ago have been carried out very important arrests (40 arrested in 14 months) of Islamist terrorist cells in Germany and Denmark, prepared to undertake such bloody attacks as less as 11-M in Madrid, and which carried hundreds kilos of chemical materials for making explosives devastating.

In Europe people are afraid, yet was "surprised" and is unconscionable actions, for example, calls for the German defense minister.

United States has not forgotten the tragedy of September 11 and has been the most effective remedy to avoid being beaten by her again. Because, despite the troubles that the United States military is suffering, for example, in the Iraqi theater, the truth is the American people have not heard from terrorism within its borders since that fateful Tuesday. They have led the fight to the enemy, keeping the defense away from American cities, it probably does not know what or do not want to recognize the current pro-peace return to the U.S. troops.

ultrapacificists Meanwhile in Europe, with no sense of duty, the city of Madrid, London or Berlin media is much more exposed to an Islamic terrorist attack a New Yorker or a Texan. Why? Because here in Europe have not learned anything about the nature of Islam but insist on a prescription that does not work hoping that terrorism is over with good words (the alliance of civilizations Zapatero) and a more or less efficient police, an Once you have accomplished the attacks. As bad ideas do not generate more than bad results, the threat persists and will persist as European governments do not get the message out war that, for years, Islamic terrorists sent to us.
the contrary, Europe is still going on the attack plans. There has been one year since 2001, in which there have been arrests of al-Qaeda cells in Germany, Italy, the UK and Spain itself.

This post is not intended as an apology for the war, although there are some who might think so, but as Churchill said at the peak of World War 2 against Germany:

"It is false that the war has brought misery to mankind, there are things that can only be resolved by war"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How To Make A Healthy Eating Slogan


Today I want to do a small tribute to a fellow blogger, Felix Obes Fleurquin , because I think he has written a stunning post, where at the same time denounce, gives some guidelines for Uruguay of that quantum leap and is a modern country, serious, strong and where people live comfortably, without .
is a post that mixes quite angry, disappointed but still want and hope .... something you should not miss, even if people try to step on us Tantric repeating everything here is great.
Best regards and my sincere ennhorabuena Felix.
in that you do not want to agree to a sign that is being fulfilled in the figures: the disappearance of a generation, the younger and better, leaving the country, runs away from him because here they can not do what they want, what they like, because as Carlos Maggi in the note following it, the old-and not just old-have withdrawn into their shells and do not let enter because the old are always talking about the same and have-me-myself included fear, we've got rotten to the litany of complaints, so all that, this time I'll see if I agree not to those omens are being fulfilled all around us.
Or at least try, because if we insist that the country mechanically sucks, it sucks, which is full of old and if we all talking about topics that interest you young people disappeared, dictatorship, Tupamaros, Maracanã will not be repeated, public employees, fried cakes and how nice it was my London Paris-we will achieve we do not want: they turn away from us, we give them assurance that yes, that we all, the old, we have given a door slammed in your face and we have relegated to nothing but to dress in old, who is leaving the grandfather's mustache, they become sullen and do what we want to do.
We have to stop talking about traditional parties. Included in this bag of waste, not just the two sarcophagi founding, but left that to make it to power has been dressed in old and is the oldest and most backward of the parties, having killed all innovation to grisedad mimic the national and understood by the majority of the electorate, that is old as hell and hates everything that is young, but who is domesticated and stupefied making monkeys of the fair to your happiness senile.
These parties no longer exist, there are no matches. There are people who vote for the least dangerous, to the easiest, who say they will leave everything as is, those who say they will give to eat without effort, the stupid ministers to lower the price of a steak or one liter of milk and forget to do an upgrade you have to pull the floor all the shelving state stepped on, disable it and let the country become bold again.
Children and young people not only ignore the national symbols and supporters, Aparicio, the batlles, the seregnis, hymns and mandolins Dance of the Vampires, but the hate, give them trouble because it sucks yes, yes they do not give more because they have other codes, other music, other symbols, another country on its head and not want to keep that old mummified, they want that, for example they find when they go to work in a few places that breathes modernity, such as Zonamérica or similar, when they enter the mechanics of success without having to leave behind their territory.
is this generation, we kicked out every time we talk about viejeces, every time we lose the time to speak for or against Tupas, Civil War , missing, in short, things that have no solution, already, they should be buried and forgotten to use the time to see how you can do for them, our children, do not go and look with a penalty from its distance to the old left in the county that that every day that passes makes them more alien.
This pathetic government of today, the sum of all the defects of the above, purified and refined the essence of mediocrity and minimal effort worship with hymns to the losers, their remanufacturing of the story to make it as his senility is succeeding, even in times of good wind for, opportunities that someday there will be more, give each day a stitch in the shroud of a country they want to see dead before born: the country without monopolies, the country of people who despise be parasitic public and wants to leave to fight for their future.
are teaching a generation to beg, mango, to be useless against it is that we must fight. As a first step, remove them as power because otherwise, we will have helped to close the coffin lid on the country to be born and that they, old soul, want to kill, as their missing, repeating forever watch over them as mourners his litany retrograde.
have to do things for young people, as it has done in Durazno Vidalin a couple of times, for them, not for old as has been done with Serrat, a distinguished citizen declaring one of them and trying not to come bands like the young, those living on your own, that want to succeed and that we paid every time we call for helpers Laundry a monopoly, instead of closing, lower taxes and do not seriously like that clown who went by the Faculty of Economics but would be unable, as I said and I repeat, if a successful grocer in the neighborhood, which stupid juggling, tricks, magician's birthday while we rob the future because he is the prototype that failed to be somebody in the State has set his machine to destroy the individual who feeds him.
He and his whole band of old, fit only for public office in a country that, far from being a merit, this ability is an insult to the boldness and courage.
have to bring more Botnia and Ences, and the University, strength and full of inept officers, technicians should take courses in papermaking and non-jugglers and artisans, as well Maggi says.
must close UTE, ANTEL, OSE and open up these markets to competition controlled and regulated, should be left to stupid environmentalists and nuclear power plants. In short, we must stop being stubborn, old and over, idiots. It is very strong! Only way to prevent youth go, we let them make noise, to promote its rhythm, its music and its codes and should be encouraged to be bold, risk not having a secure job guarantees because that will make us better if we do bad things and that by doing them wrong, we were on the street.
That will make us stronger and better, only that, but possible, that State senile monopolistic, abusive, paternalistic, stupid thief must collapse as soon as possible, should be dismantled in a few years for the damn Locust Statism remain without shelter and it will recover inanición.Con die of this country for our children, just like that.
Until next week.
Félix Obes Fleurquin

Friday, September 14, 2007

Brown Mucus Missed Period

This post is not going to speak of, no doubt, an event of the year and in a way, has blown up the dull routine policy Uruguay. I refer to this attempt by the minister Múgica of "shit to blows" to his predecessor, Aguirrezabala , that if the bodyguards around ... just in case. Nor

I speak of a mysterious fact to be followed closely, as is the disappearance of weapons from the air base Boisse Lanza.

No. This post will focus on information that comes from Spain, but it can certainly be extrapolated to many other countries, including Uruguay. And I mean the subject of education, particularly school education.

This problem that has dragged on for many years in Spain, now operates a number of measures taken by the socialist government of Rodriguez Zapatero.

Minister of Education, held in April this year a proposal which required the high school students (secondary high schools) to adopt more than half of the subjects to move to the next course, studying those suspended over some subjects of the following year to complete.

But it appears a report a PISA and the European Commission expressed deep concern at the apparent failure at school in Spain.

What Zapatero government proposes solution to combat school failure?. For something very simple ... .. let them even easier to students, pupils.

And now, those students who have up to four! suspended materials can move to the next course. The minister argues "that must make schooling more attractive to students, less rigid, more flexible and tailored to your needs " later wondering "... if a student gets overcome several subjects of a course , although not completely finished, is it logical to penalize forcing him to repeat full? "

reflection that emerges from these actions of the government of Zapatero is:

- A lo que conducen estas medidas es, básicamente, a rebajar el nivel de exigencia y por tanto de excelencia del sistema educativo español. Teniendo en cuenta los datos de fracaso escolar español en las distintas redes educativas (33% en colegios/liceos públicos, 13,9% en los concertados (colegios/liceos privados con financiación publica) y 3,6% en colegios privados), podemos ver que los que más sufrirán estas medidas serán los más desfavorecidos, los chicos/as de estratos socioeconómicos más bajos y/o pertenecientes a las minorías de inmigrantes. Por que según datos de la OCDE, los jóvenes adultos con bajos niveles de educación, son potenciales marginados sociales, who have higher risk of unemployment and also more likely than this, is of long duration.

Most parents' associations and teachers, have sounded the alarm and claim that "it is unfortunate that a minister who is unable to reduce school failure, is dedicated to making proposals as the High School you can pass course with four suspended, a measure that will be more school failure because the kids see that it's okay for not studying. "

As if that were not enough with these "solutions antifracaso school, the Zapatero's Socialist government has established by decree delivery a new compulsory subject called "Education for Citizenship."

introduce a new subject and more under that name, there would be nothing wrong, but for much of English society is against the purpose of the field. And is that a substance, promoted by the government as a tool to teach values \u200b\u200bto be good citizens or good citizens, we have seen that has become the less of something else entirely. Once

textbooks already on the street and sale, which has proven indoctrinating is the character of the subject, with a high burden of arbitrariness and government intervention, where prevailing ideological discourse against the teaching of values.

Ultimately, as I recognized a secondary school teacher and left voter confessed "to the Zapatero government, ideological tremendously important thing is that each utilize their talents, but we all know as well as the less fit, so as to be all equal, and never travel the path of excellence and effort ".

And so, future generations of schoolchildren and high school students will have an increasingly distant education needs then they will face in real life in an increasingly demanding and competitive.
This is the problem resulting when viewed education as a political propaganda tool for future loyalty voters instead of being qualified and librepensantes generations.
What a legacy they will leave .....

Monday, September 10, 2007

Is Holsten Pils Lager


Last week I was reading a prestigious and influential business daily in Europe and I could not help in stopping to read and reread a story that surprised me though, it is still a ray of hope.

seems that the world's largest union of industrial workers, the German metalworkers' union IG Metall, prepares a deep ideological reform in all its structures improve and guarantee the rights of workers in future negotiations with the government and the private sector.

Change starts from the top when the number two, Berthold Huber, will succeed current chairman of IG Metall, Jurgen Peters. It seems that the latter had as its main line of action, the union model based on the confrontation in the street fighting. Discussed in Germany, Peters radicalism has not yielded any results in these times of globalization and ideological revolution. His idea of \u200b\u200bimmobility and union vision steeped in the most ancient orthodoxy, has hurt more workers than previously thought. His

substitute, Huber, instead looking for a strategic shift, based more on the maintenance and further increase in jobs. His vision is closer to labor as a part of the free market economic structure ...

In Germany, following the lead of Anglo-Saxon countries were the pioneers. For them, liberalism is not a punishment ... it is the most efficient tool for allocating resources.

Are not you jealous sound? How many years or decades it will take for the PIT-CNT, perform an action so responsible and so vital to the whole country, Uruguay, like its German peers?.
I'm afraid this is not a model to copy for the PIT-CNT ....

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Best Way To Take 30mg Percocet


Today at last I have some free time I've been reading the Uruguayan press. In addition to reading the classics such as El Pais, El Observador, La Republica and the Post Office in Punta del Este, I also like reading a newspaper online very strong and quite aseptic any political tendency, as Ultimas Noticias.

Reading sections, I go to read the columnists and I find two columnists writing about the same, on Uruguay, an outsider would think that they are two totally different countries. We transcribe

lines to see what I mean: Vision

Edgardo Ortuño (Member of the slope).

"... economic growth, progress in income distribution as a result of the recovery of salaries and pensions, the application of breads, advances in human rights and legislation, among others, define the positive balance of the initial period .

ghosts were exorcised. The predictions of "financial Pops," "military crisis" or "social conflict" gave way to stability, institutional strengthening, coordination and social sensitivity.

Uruguay has a president with record levels averaging a term of approval, and Tabaré, leadership necessary to undertake an ambitious project for the country and hope for its people .... "
(see full text here )

Vision Ivan Posada (Member of the Independent Party).

"... Our Uruguay, which brought immigrants from all corners to give them the promised land, is no longer the horizon, dreaming of our children. The world tempts. Know that the future that we offer no paradigm. Why stay? This is the situation in Uruguay. The bet to mediocrity. Corporatism. To get caught up in fruitless discussions. It belongs to all long. Therefore, already brilliantly summed Carlos Quijano as: "A fool like us Easterners, vague and mediocre take our desires for reality, disregarding the facts when disturb our tranquility. In the same altar of unreality, all trades, we all do our reverential sacrifices, all live. It is a tacit and common hypocrisy .... " (see full text here )

agree that the country has achieved in recent years, poverty rates more chilling in its history and living an accelerated "Latin Americanization" marked by a decline in quality of life at all levels. There are structural poverty rates have marked the destiny of Uruguayan society for generations.

But my opinion is that amidst the current social crisis, economic place in the country, it is essential to fight and eradicate something that began with reformism Batlle, such as bureaucracy, cronyism and gestated by a so-called meritocracy Welfare State still alive in the social imagination, especially of the middle class.

is hoped that the "tower of Babel" to form the current ruling party is able to achieve what they presumed to Rep. Ortuño, fighting against what they denounced Rep. Posada.

But for now, what is seen in the current government is very well described in the companion LoboGris Uruguay Economic :

"... In practice economic interventionism in the developing countries the only hinder this process is accomplished in different ways:

- reducing the space for economic development through taxes, minimum wages, all kinds of bureaucratic obstacles to free enterprise, inflation, public spending, licenses and regulations that restrict competition, control prices, etc.

- hamper free exchange of technology, capital and ideas with other nations, through tariffs, protectionism, devaluation, etc.

- increasing production costs through subsidies, taxes, tariffs and devaluation.

difficulties to overcome poverty and underdevelopment are then a consequence of state intervention and the constellation of ideologies that underpin it unfortunately ... "

I know many Uruguayans have heard (and crave their eyes closed) that paradise social welfare called Sweden, well, that country has already realized that the welfare of the people does not come from the state and its policies.

hope that the current and future executive Uruguayan take note of the good examples and put aside their idols "banana" ...