E l November 11 was discussed at the Congress plenary session of the Bill No. 211 / 2006 -CR, by initiative of Congressman José Vega Antonio , it was exempt from the opinion of the Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Culture, Cultural Heritage, Youth and Sport, on 14 October 2010.
"It is therefore an urgent and pressing need to create this university and we hope that this time justice is done and finally San Juan de Lurigancho have college public requires "
Congressman José Vega reminded him his colleague Rafael Vásquez your project has been exempted from Commission ruling because the bank , which is a party, and basically at the request of Congressman Vasquez withdrew his signature to claim priority to the legislative initiative proposal submitted two weeks ago. "
"There is decent looking now supported by a technical argument nonsense that goes against the political will and not the need you have. He wants his proposal to have priority in the debate in the Commission that they preside. We have not removed signatures and we have opposed. We've waited four years. Therefore, here is an entirely clear: There are banks, like them, they want to be parents of the child, but I think there is no majority consensus of thousands of young people leave without the opportunity for a public university for the benefit of all youth in the San Juan de Lurigancho "
addition Congressman José Vega stressed the issue as priority for youth. "The first Vásquez colleague wants to do a public hearing and on that basis come to discuss its legislative initiative, and that is distorting the real goal that we all do, that is the benefit of young people, the benefit of a huge district that has more one million inhabitants and where successful businesses that require technological hand. "
"Let's see if Congressman someday Vasquez lived in San Juan de Lurigancho can now remember that and also endorse and support and not a completely petty argument as having withdrawn signature legislative initiative and has signed his own, to convene a public hearing and make political rating is legitimate, but can not go against the collective will of the majority of congressmen represented in Parliament "
Thus Congressman José Vega Antonio reiterated the urgency of addressing the priority needs of the people and let personal goals without decency.
So friends, you hold in your hands all the arguments and events, judged by the facts. Enter
HERE and read the full transcript of the meeting of the plenary , which in its second half includes the above discussion.
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