The controversy is served for only a few target when a girl of prohibited asistria class with the hiyad, what is popularly known as the veil. Very large
views and varied opinions, and experience that will be difficult to convince those who do not want instead listen or reason.
one hand we see it as a symbol of their religion, as people here have complete freedom to lead a Catholic cross around his neck and nobody says anything.
Article 16.1 of our constitution reads: "Freedom of ideology, religion and worship and individuals and communities with no more restriction on their expression than may be necessary for the maintenance of public order protected by law."
Whereupon, in the public sphere 'beliefs we will respect the various religious manifestations, and hijab get in there.
So why concluded that a school (which receives subsidy from the government) denies the right to ecucación a girl? This school did not calculate the consequences of "their" standards.
First Above "their" standards is the law of laws, the Consitución.
Second: Why is the community of Madrid does not withdraw the subsidy to the Centre for failing to comply with the law?
Third: Do you know this facility the damage they do to this girl to undermine some of the personality of this girl? Because do not forget to respect all religions, asi que si un menor puede llevar la cruz cristiano, porque no una chica musulmana puede llevar su velo, que en ningún momento lo concibe como complemento de moda a diferencia de una gorra, por ejemplo.
Cuarto: No me valen los argumentos sobre que es un símbolo de dominación del hombre sobre la mujer. No me valen. Porque si que hay muchos casos que es así, pero tenemos que pensar en que quizás es un elemento más en la construcción de su propia personalidad, un síbolo de su cultura sobre el que ella cimenta su autoimagen.
Quinto: No es lo mismo un Hiyab, que un Burka, con el cual estoy totalmente en contra, ya qe tiene otras connotaciones distintas que todo el mundo sabe.
Cuando me try to refute him because that girl can not wear the veil, I say that when the Queen, ministers and reporters traveling to another country (Muslim), force them to wear veils and here we must impose our ways. And I repeat, above all that we have a text, called a constitution that protects the Establishment Clause of the country, while the contrary in the country to visit the queen and others, have otrasleyes, so an eye for an eye is not me worth.
We can not compare with France, which is a secular country, which means that in any public place can Exibir religious symbols. Besides having an integration measure it different from ours, based on assimilation. And so we go, remember the disturbieos in the French suburbs.
so hard is we understand the analogy between the cross around his neck and hijab, but it is the same, only in two different religions.
So, to have driven all over her face that girl at the school where he had his friends, was near his house where he had his primary networks. Now, if the girl does not integrate or cause any trauma, Who responded and how fucked up thing is that this campaign is sponsored by the most reactionary forces in this country, those which once burned heretics at the stake .
Also, if someone reads it and thinks it's an attack on those who think differently to me, not to be confused, just want to give pause to all those citizens who are tolerant and respectful of others, but perhaps in this area do not have an opinion influenced by television, which only shows what the people are interested think.
Anyway, to reflect on the creation of opinion of televisions, radios and newspapers and talk another day. And remember, just get what interests you to think.
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