Socialist Youth of Madrid, could not stay silent about the new offense against the citizenry by the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, rejecting the 11.2 million that the central government offered to the community for implantation School Program 2.0.
School 2.0 The program is an initiative of the Government of Spain which is in the full implementation of new technologies in education and the teaching and learning.
Esperanza Aguirre and Figaro Lucia Minister of Education rejected the initiative, they say that computer screens are only 10 inches and produce myopic students, when a contribution of only 4 million euros from the community of Madrid could have had 15-inch screens, just as you are doing the rest of the regions (including Galicia and Castilla y Leon, ruled by the PP).
So, again, Esperanza Aguirre once again undermine the rights of the citizens of Madrid in pursuit of opposition to the Prime Minister of Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, cuandom what this lady should do is play the best possible job for Madrid residents who elected her, and put an end to corruption within his party, which are multiple and bleeding in Madrid, where she is secretary general of his party.
For all this, Socialist Youth of Madrid, will take to the streets to defend the rights of students in Madrid, handing out brochures and collecting signatures to reject INpupulares "actions of the president of the Community of Madrid.
Because these retrograde as Esperanza Aguirre if they have myopia.
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