Alli where we used to scream "Love Of Lesbian
There goes one of my latest discoveries.
do not know where I've become today?
Where we used to scream.
Ten years before this ageless
now the monster is still alive and still no peace.
And banks that write
half in darkness, without thinking,
all the verses of "Heroes"
with the faults of a boy,
are still are.
And even today, is beyond my control,
problem and solution,
and the cry is always lurking,
is the answer.
And even today, only cry and fiction
get off my black lights alert.
I have a plastic knife and
where there used to be metal,
and the strange book that expelled you from school,
I had to burn their leaves.
And in the irons that separate the most brutal fall
follow the two inicales
we wrote to beat.
There are ... Vertical and transverse
I scream and I'm glass,
just the middle, where both hated
when you repeated me that I
will sink and sink, and only the cry
serve us.
You said "easy" and used to start.
And it always comes back
cry and die with us,
cold and brief as a verse, written in language
And always!
will destroy you and destroy me cry
and only
and now we serve is not easy,
you used to start. Vertical and transverse
, I scream and I'm
just the middle, which
hated so much when you provoked me howl.
And that's it, no peace,
oh, and no peace.
And that's it, no peace,
oh, and no peace.
Who do you scream?
I know and you do not ask
you never, no.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Why Is My Diarrhea Light Bright Green?
you can not stop reading ..." The Road "Cormac McCarthy
As I have done almost every Friday, I spend the last hours of the day, to watch movies with my partner. Few weekends ago I saw a film that really shook me and would not let me indifferent. Days later I picked the novel that the movie was based.
The novel touches an issue of so-called atavistic, simply by its nature causes us great fear or at least, we generated an uncertainty about the "What if ...?". That issue is life in post-holocaust Earth.
A father and son are among the few survivors of the Holocaust and large walk south to be able to overcome the cold winter. All animals died years ago, also disappeared crops, forests have burned, humans have been given to cannibalism, and a thick layer of ash mixed with rain and snow.
If that was not enough, the robber-infested roads go in search of fuel and human flesh. Will they manage to survive this father and this son to his onjetivo? Return the land to house living creatures and vast forests?
As I always say, highly recommended novel and inexpensive if acquired from his pocket.

As I have done almost every Friday, I spend the last hours of the day, to watch movies with my partner. Few weekends ago I saw a film that really shook me and would not let me indifferent. Days later I picked the novel that the movie was based.
The novel touches an issue of so-called atavistic, simply by its nature causes us great fear or at least, we generated an uncertainty about the "What if ...?". That issue is life in post-holocaust Earth.
A father and son are among the few survivors of the Holocaust and large walk south to be able to overcome the cold winter. All animals died years ago, also disappeared crops, forests have burned, humans have been given to cannibalism, and a thick layer of ash mixed with rain and snow.
If that was not enough, the robber-infested roads go in search of fuel and human flesh. Will they manage to survive this father and this son to his onjetivo? Return the land to house living creatures and vast forests?
As I always say, highly recommended novel and inexpensive if acquired from his pocket.
Friday, February 19, 2010
What Is The Cellular Basis Of Cancer?
Aznar: the politics punks
If gentlemen, Here we have, "we can not live without," our friend Jose Mari Ansar, the trio of the Azores (left alone in the photo, reaching more), the lies of mass destruction, who was working in ellou this night and this morning ... that the decree, the Prestige, that of so many ...
no longer wears his hair in the wind, his mustache is now gray, but his wickedness and shamelessness are still intact.
After giving a lecture at the University of Oviedo, and give us new phrases like "They founded the country-or-the arsonist who set fire to the building can not be the fire chief, escorted out, as ex-Prime Minister has been and people he berated students, about the Iraq war and other outrages.
That's when Punk came out the spirit that Ansar has within, that spirit suppressed by the expensive schools and the masses, and drew his finger to walk entirely dedicated to those who rebuked. That punk
of politics had made him have done, had done what he had given the wins, not a hair short of leaving evil to his country abroad, who is not afraid to criticize the president all English, which due to their indomitable spirit has neither master nor master. Little
shame that this type, which is supposed, is to be a tables that have given years of political struggle, but no, he is the last punk of our time, no one can with it, a response to each attack, because he does not cut, because it does what it is pleased, because he is so, because it's Jose Maria Ansar, freed of the terror which all English with preventive war in Iraq.
So I will leave here, I'm going to create the Facebook group "Ansar, the punks politics."

If gentlemen, Here we have, "we can not live without," our friend Jose Mari Ansar, the trio of the Azores (left alone in the photo, reaching more), the lies of mass destruction, who was working in ellou this night and this morning ... that the decree, the Prestige, that of so many ...
no longer wears his hair in the wind, his mustache is now gray, but his wickedness and shamelessness are still intact.
After giving a lecture at the University of Oviedo, and give us new phrases like "They founded the country-or-the arsonist who set fire to the building can not be the fire chief, escorted out, as ex-Prime Minister has been and people he berated students, about the Iraq war and other outrages.
That's when Punk came out the spirit that Ansar has within, that spirit suppressed by the expensive schools and the masses, and drew his finger to walk entirely dedicated to those who rebuked. That punk
of politics had made him have done, had done what he had given the wins, not a hair short of leaving evil to his country abroad, who is not afraid to criticize the president all English, which due to their indomitable spirit has neither master nor master. Little
shame that this type, which is supposed, is to be a tables that have given years of political struggle, but no, he is the last punk of our time, no one can with it, a response to each attack, because he does not cut, because it does what it is pleased, because he is so, because it's Jose Maria Ansar, freed of the terror which all English with preventive war in Iraq.
So I will leave here, I'm going to create the Facebook group "Ansar, the punks politics."
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hiv People Get Really Si K
the" what "happiness
there among us a bad habit, and is neither more nor MNOs that ask why? to everything.
I'm not saying you are wrong question things, on the contrary, we must be constantly questioning the world, the country, the politicians, our leaders, friends and ourselves, because it involves curiosidaad and willingness to learn and know, and that question is that has all the answers or simply not want to know.
Well, let's focus on the Why? of things, is it correct to use it when we find something? or maybe on a question so broad that it makes it difficult to answer? Let us see an example.
Example: - Why did you buy that dress so expensive, the answer will end up being because I enjoy it or if little else.
ambargo KI
Without the question is WHY change WHAT? by WHAT?, Let's take the same example:
Example: - For what you buy that dress so expensive?, and the answer is, because for this Saturday is the most beautiful dance.
- "And you want to be the belle of the ball?, Because for everyone I see and to know the cutest boy.
- "And you want to know the cutest boy?, Because to know him better, falling in love and marry him.
- "And you want to marry him? To be very happy.
The example is not important, but we see that if we ask why all the things we do in the end we will conclude that whatever we do we aim to be felicices and that happiness is both a means and an end that we enjoy.
And all this can be achieved by changing only two words, "so", that is the question we must ask ourselves daily to go to work, to earn money so they want to make money, so we want money to buy many things, etc. .... Sounds
purely materialistic but very important for the day to day life, and it is possible that a memento given us realize that we do things we do not want and gives us the opportunity to amend, apply it and you tell me .

there among us a bad habit, and is neither more nor MNOs that ask why? to everything.
I'm not saying you are wrong question things, on the contrary, we must be constantly questioning the world, the country, the politicians, our leaders, friends and ourselves, because it involves curiosidaad and willingness to learn and know, and that question is that has all the answers or simply not want to know.
Well, let's focus on the Why? of things, is it correct to use it when we find something? or maybe on a question so broad that it makes it difficult to answer? Let us see an example.
Example: - Why did you buy that dress so expensive, the answer will end up being because I enjoy it or if little else.
ambargo KI
Without the question is WHY change WHAT? by WHAT?, Let's take the same example:
Example: - For what you buy that dress so expensive?, and the answer is, because for this Saturday is the most beautiful dance.
- "And you want to be the belle of the ball?, Because for everyone I see and to know the cutest boy.
- "And you want to know the cutest boy?, Because to know him better, falling in love and marry him.
- "And you want to marry him? To be very happy.
The example is not important, but we see that if we ask why all the things we do in the end we will conclude that whatever we do we aim to be felicices and that happiness is both a means and an end that we enjoy.
And all this can be achieved by changing only two words, "so", that is the question we must ask ourselves daily to go to work, to earn money so they want to make money, so we want money to buy many things, etc. .... Sounds
purely materialistic but very important for the day to day life, and it is possible that a memento given us realize that we do things we do not want and gives us the opportunity to amend, apply it and you tell me .
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Burn Directv Dvr To Dvd
" These retrograde if it is myopic
Socialist Youth of Madrid, could not stay silent about the new offense against the citizenry by the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, rejecting the 11.2 million that the central government offered to the community for implantation School Program 2.0.
School 2.0 The program is an initiative of the Government of Spain which is in the full implementation of new technologies in education and the teaching and learning.
Esperanza Aguirre and Figaro Lucia Minister of Education rejected the initiative, they say that computer screens are only 10 inches and produce myopic students, when a contribution of only 4 million euros from the community of Madrid could have had 15-inch screens, just as you are doing the rest of the regions (including Galicia and Castilla y Leon, ruled by the PP).
So, again, Esperanza Aguirre once again undermine the rights of the citizens of Madrid in pursuit of opposition to the Prime Minister of Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, cuandom what this lady should do is play the best possible job for Madrid residents who elected her, and put an end to corruption within his party, which are multiple and bleeding in Madrid, where she is secretary general of his party.
For all this, Socialist Youth of Madrid, will take to the streets to defend the rights of students in Madrid, handing out brochures and collecting signatures to reject INpupulares "actions of the president of the Community of Madrid.
Because these retrograde as Esperanza Aguirre if they have myopia.

Socialist Youth of Madrid, could not stay silent about the new offense against the citizenry by the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, rejecting the 11.2 million that the central government offered to the community for implantation School Program 2.0.
School 2.0 The program is an initiative of the Government of Spain which is in the full implementation of new technologies in education and the teaching and learning.
Esperanza Aguirre and Figaro Lucia Minister of Education rejected the initiative, they say that computer screens are only 10 inches and produce myopic students, when a contribution of only 4 million euros from the community of Madrid could have had 15-inch screens, just as you are doing the rest of the regions (including Galicia and Castilla y Leon, ruled by the PP).
So, again, Esperanza Aguirre once again undermine the rights of the citizens of Madrid in pursuit of opposition to the Prime Minister of Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, cuandom what this lady should do is play the best possible job for Madrid residents who elected her, and put an end to corruption within his party, which are multiple and bleeding in Madrid, where she is secretary general of his party.
For all this, Socialist Youth of Madrid, will take to the streets to defend the rights of students in Madrid, handing out brochures and collecting signatures to reject INpupulares "actions of the president of the Community of Madrid.
Because these retrograde as Esperanza Aguirre if they have myopia.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mecklenburg County Appraisal
The San Pablo CEU course must not provide new on IVE
The new Law on Abortion contemplated that the careers of Medicine must impart a subject, theoretical and practical, on to practice voluntary abortion.
This asiganatura contemplated from such as surgical technique ahasta psychological techniques for the patient, and this is the thing, incredible but true, the San Pablo CEU warns that taught the subject, based on conscientious objection.
The conscientious objection is not covered by any law, but in a ruling by the Constitutional Court where he talks about the conscientious objection PHYSICIAN! and not including the subject in the curriculum.
will have to tell them, the lords of the CEU, which is the Ministry of Education, which sets the content of courses such as medicine, so if you do not include it, it is possible that issuing medical degree, is not valid, because the student will not have completed the minimum knowledge to be a doctor.
Good action of the CEU to promote public university.
!! Complutense TO ALL!! Lately

The new Law on Abortion contemplated that the careers of Medicine must impart a subject, theoretical and practical, on to practice voluntary abortion.
This asiganatura contemplated from such as surgical technique ahasta psychological techniques for the patient, and this is the thing, incredible but true, the San Pablo CEU warns that taught the subject, based on conscientious objection.
The conscientious objection is not covered by any law, but in a ruling by the Constitutional Court where he talks about the conscientious objection PHYSICIAN! and not including the subject in the curriculum.
will have to tell them, the lords of the CEU, which is the Ministry of Education, which sets the content of courses such as medicine, so if you do not include it, it is possible that issuing medical degree, is not valid, because the student will not have completed the minimum knowledge to be a doctor.
Good action of the CEU to promote public university.
!! Complutense TO ALL!! Lately
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Menstation For 10 Weeks
I feel good
I can not complain, things are going well and I'm happy.
But today something happened that has made me happier todabia, is that a few months ago I teach reading to the children of a partner, 5 and 6 years, the eldest, had problems when yy read his sisters, less than, read better.
And today, I can see that this guy has improved a lot, and make my part of the boy, who is the nicest, and was not going well before poorque not not ready but because they entertain a lot and lia lia and the rest. Well today
great read, and I had a special joy, had risen to the challenge, and I know how you feel when you get a teacher that a child has acquired some knowledge or skills.
But today something happened that has made me happier todabia, is that a few months ago I teach reading to the children of a partner, 5 and 6 years, the eldest, had problems when yy read his sisters, less than, read better.
And today, I can see that this guy has improved a lot, and make my part of the boy, who is the nicest, and was not going well before poorque not not ready but because they entertain a lot and lia lia and the rest. Well today
great read, and I had a special joy, had risen to the challenge, and I know how you feel when you get a teacher that a child has acquired some knowledge or skills.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Dental Hygiene Tattoo
get back out on the street in Haiti
Tomorrow Tuesday February 2, throughout the morning Young Socialists will Vallecas Villa assaults on the street for Haiti, with its "Help us help involving the sale of chocolates agricultural fair, which costs 2 EURO, which will be allocated entirely to help the reconstruction of Haiti by the NGO International Solidarity. "
sales of chocolate in the Santa Eugenia station
"The response from neighbors has been entirely positive, as always, when it comes to issues of solidarity" and "try to reach 700 euros collection, being aware that this is just a bit, and hopefully you pass the media interest the international community not olvivide of Haiti, or any other country where the situation is not optimal. " these were the statements of one of the organizers.
selling Image chocolate in the Paseo Federico GarcĂa Lorca
With this second exit Socialist Youth Vallecas Villa seeks to increase its contribution by providing to the residents who could not on Tuesday the possibility of collaborating on such a good cause.
Tomorrow Tuesday February 2, throughout the morning Young Socialists will Vallecas Villa assaults on the street for Haiti, with its "Help us help involving the sale of chocolates agricultural fair, which costs 2 EURO, which will be allocated entirely to help the reconstruction of Haiti by the NGO International Solidarity. "
sales of chocolate in the Santa Eugenia station
"The response from neighbors has been entirely positive, as always, when it comes to issues of solidarity" and "try to reach 700 euros collection, being aware that this is just a bit, and hopefully you pass the media interest the international community not olvivide of Haiti, or any other country where the situation is not optimal. " these were the statements of one of the organizers.
selling Image chocolate in the Paseo Federico GarcĂa Lorca
With this second exit Socialist Youth Vallecas Villa seeks to increase its contribution by providing to the residents who could not on Tuesday the possibility of collaborating on such a good cause.
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