Although there may be visitors to this blog can fuck them or understand that I intend here to give lessons from the Northern Hemisphere (which is life circumstances where I live and work) I plan to write about topics not only related to the Uruguay. So I'm going to pay attention to Ama-gi Uruguay agonizes who asked me to follow the blog from here to different subjects and as my time allows it I will.
This post will deal with an issue that is beginning to worry in Europe and is poised to become a threat to the existence and continuity of the values \u200b\u200bthat have governed this continent.
Europe has been found following the 11-S in New York, the 11-M in Madrid and especially the 11-J in London with a very serious threat as radical Islam, often linked to terrorism.
This post will deal with an issue that is beginning to worry in Europe and is poised to become a threat to the existence and continuity of the values \u200b\u200bthat have governed this continent.
Europe has been found following the 11-S in New York, the 11-M in Madrid and especially the 11-J in London with a very serious threat as radical Islam, often linked to terrorism.
The 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh by a young Islamic radical that the Dutch did change their perception of the multicultural system integration of immigrants, mainly with regard to Muslims. Now, 47 percent of the Dutch claims to be less tolerant. The rest of Europe, fearful of terrorist attacks, following in the footsteps of the Netherlands.
From the July 2005 bombings in London, the government has toughened anti-terrorism legislation. From there, he then began to consider immigration as a threat to national security, especially when you realize that 25 percent of Muslims living in Britain shared the reasons alleged terrorists. The British model, praise two years ago to create a multicultural society, it is openly criticized. With this model, it was intended, that religious and cultural minorities have the right to preserve and develop their identity while acquiring a awareness in the host country. But this last one was voluntary was not carried out.
The Dutch prime minister between 1994 and 2003, Wim Kok, was to work by bicycle. Now there are deputies, threatened with death, living in secret houses and travel in armored cars and escort.
Van Gogh's death opened the box of thunder in the Netherlands. The Finance Minister Gerrit Zalm, said the "war on Islamic fundamentalism" and its companion Interior, Johan Remkes, said: "Only we repression against the worst villains."
Netherlands, with 16 million inhabitants, has a million believers in Allah, and the statistics say that by 2020, will be half the population of large cities. Past Dutch governments thought that encourage immigrants to maintain their cultural identity would allow a less traumatic return to their countries of origin. But the "guest workers brought their families and settled permanently. Immigrants from Muslim countries at no time were planted or carried out an integration taking habits of their host country, but are locked in their countries of origin. Perhaps the line between cultural difference and social exclusion has proven to be very thin.
In Seine St. Denis, one of the neighborhoods on the outskirts of Paris where the rioting occurred at the end of 2005 (over 11,000 cars and 200 public buildings burnt), the authorities have warned about the explosive cocktail that many today are unemployed youths indoctrinated by the most fundamentalist Islam .
This phenomenon of Islamization in a minority of the Muslim community concerned. The most alarming warning that the end of the century France could become another Lebanon, a country on the brink of explosion of communities under pressure from rival Islamists.
President Nicolas Sarkozy fulfilled his campaign promise to create a portfolio for immigration, which he named "Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Coodesarrollo '. However, several intellectuals accuse him of joining the words immigration and national identity, a nationalist notion founded, according to them, the idea that relations between France and the Islamic world, especially the Maghreb, have a social and domestic policy through the presence of a Muslim community that adds up to nearly five million people of different nationalities (including Turkish immigrants, the Middle East, Africa and Asia), which have more than 1,600 magnets, many of them funded by foreign governments (Algeria, Turkey, Morocco and Saudi Arabia).
Wahhabism, from Saudi Arabia, the religious variable and extreme tightening of the Koran, converted to higher legal body of law and binding on all believers. His radicalism has been a constant source of conflict with Islamic countries. Living as mandated by the Koran and interpret the conflicts of today in light of the teachings of the Koran, without detracting one iota of what content there is, is what is intended without any kind of laxity.
Wahhabism beyond the borders of Saudi Arabia, is a manifestation of the power of Saudi Arabia and a form of imperialism engaged in funding of madrassas (fundamentalist schools). In Saudi Arabia, and virtually any other Muslim country are allowed churches of other faiths and beliefs.
In Spain and the UK, there are large numbers of these "madrasas" and the debate has come to public light.
The program Dispatches, Channel 4, could issue a report with a hidden camera recorded in several major British mosques, including the Green Lane (Birmingham). The reporter discovered that they preached Islamic supremacism, hatred of the Jew and Christian and the subjugation of women. What prevents
Saudi Wahhabism done with a network of Islamic schools that educate the children of the millions of Muslims living in European countries and in the same jihadist ideas they propose in their mosques?.
The program Dispatches, Channel 4, could issue a report with a hidden camera recorded in several major British mosques, including the Green Lane (Birmingham). The reporter discovered that they preached Islamic supremacism, hatred of the Jew and Christian and the subjugation of women. What prevents
Saudi Wahhabism done with a network of Islamic schools that educate the children of the millions of Muslims living in European countries and in the same jihadist ideas they propose in their mosques?.

The sloppiness in the defense of Western culture and multiculturalism partitioning takes time demonstrations in Spain. The first has been to allow the Islamic headscarf in public schools. It is said that no permit would undermine religious freedom, against individual rights.
In Spain, the left includes the sign of backwardness, fundamentalism and misogyny as a happy example of ethnic and cultural diversity that the school should promote.
Right, does not believe in all this cultural and moral relativism, often prefer to ignore the rules and avoid adopting new rules that create a conflict with Islamofascism , for "facilitating the education" of Muslim girls. And all for fear of being labeled Islamophobic, it is precisely Muslim girls to Islam cover the head with that damn veil think these are lower. What is being done is far from calm, enliven the progress of jihadist fundamentalism in Spain.
Former British foreign minister and current leader of the Commons Jack Straw has raised a controversy by inviting Muslim women living in the United Kingdom to take off the veil that covers their face.
Jack Straw, who is MP for the constituency of Blackburn, with 30% of Muslims said that the veil is a "visible statement of separation" between two partners, causing irritation in many sectors Islamic population.

worth transcribing a few lines that I read on another blog.
"The Europeans have forgotten the best lesson of tolerance champion of the Enlightenment, Voltaire, when he warned us that tolerance, sweet and delicious fruit, could only flourish if it fought its opposite, intolerance, dressed with his usual robes of bigotry, superstition and tiranĂa.Nuestra postmodern society has forgotten this invaluable lesson of modernity, and because of the shallow thinking that is decorated with flaccid galas of multiculturalism, pacifism, rehabilitation and relativism, we let into our open society the seeds of intolerance, which in this new century is called Islam "
now I leave you, fellow bloggers, to reflect ....
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