Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Dyslexia Statistics Chart Us
Monday, May 23, 2011
Car Letter Of Agreement Sample
Algete the PSOE, led by Jorge Rodriguez, the only one who got in the stand to pull PP. Start the Juarez Inmaculada absolute majority and achieve a councilman from 2007.
Immaculate Popular Party mayor Juárez reduced by representation (10 Councillors).
Algete Socialists are the only ones who hold the type in northern Madrid, getting even a councilor from 2007, reaching the six aldermen. Izquierda Unida
get two councilors in the next term, one more than in the previous edition. For its part UPyD also get representation in this town of 13,000 inhabitants with voting rights. ---
PSOE PP 10 6 IU 2
$ 2 UPD 1
Monday, May 16, 2011
Loans Against Credit Card Sales
-Link to the full audio interview below:
http://www.sermadridnorte.com/noticias/ the-debt-and-la-gestion-de-expenses-star in-the-debate-electoral-de-algete_16919 /
A very good initiative. An interesting debate. And a clear winner .... citizens can now compare projects.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How Register A Homemade Trailer Ontario
Nobody gives a pass in the management of Juarez Inmaculada PP-Union and Santo Domingo. They do not give a pass or their "vote of brand" loyal. Until recently, those planning to vote PP giving Algete back to acknowledge that they have been deceived Immaculate Juárez. For if evil is being evil ruler, the worse lie shamelessly to the public, and that, I lie, I have done on and unseemly. Where is the reform of Valderrey? And the school concluded? And the indoor pool? And everything they promised to every neighborhood and every neighbor in the 2007 campaign? And the promised tax cuts turned into increases over 30% in the IBI? And the new Health Centre? Not only have they lied, they have also wasted: official cars, armies of positions of trust, parties, new offices, advertising, giving away land in exchange for discounts to play golf. No Juarez Inmaculada could do worse. But not enough to recognize it. Algete to do an exercise in democracy to send home someone who has been the worst mayor of democracy. We can not afford another four years of no management. Nor can we tolerate lies. On May 22 Algete have to win, not the PP. He has to win Algete, Inmaculada not Juárez. Education has to win, sport, the fight against unemployment, culture or our dealers, not the army of positions of trust which cost us more than a million euros a year. And to win Algete, has to win the Socialist Party and his candidacy. Algete Algeteños think. Politicians who think of their citizens. Change projects, progress and improvement for the town. In your hand, and your vote will decide whether we lose or win another four years Algete to progress. I do not doubt, TO WIN ALGETE ... vote PSOE.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Futures And Options Hull

On May 4 of the nomination PSOE Algete 2011 in the School of Music and Dance with a full house to the rafters. More than 200 people in an auditorium which could hear the words of Jorge Rodriguez, PSOE candidate for Mayor of Algete, Amparo Valcarce, number two for the Assembly of Madrid and former delegate of the government, and Carlos Mulas, Director of the Ideas Foundation.
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Interview Algete Nacho Pinedo PSOE from North Chronicle on Vimeo .
Nacho Pinedo: "The algeteños have suffered four years of neglect and abandonment of PP-Holy Union Domingo "
Nacho, number three on the PSOE list for municipal Algete May this year," The commitment of socialists is to Algete. So it is outrageous to see Immaculate Juárez, unable to defend his disastrous management, choosing to attack the PSOE.
P - to be part of the most visible of the socialist project in Algete, during a difficult time, what is the motivation to Nacho Pinedo?
R - Return to the front row at a time like this, it is not comfortable, but instead whether it is a challenge attractive, particularly when relying, as in my case, on a computer and a project like the one led by George.
P - Surveys Vds are handled as winner of the May municipal Algete PSOE. If these forecasts are confirmed as the next Councillor for Finance How do you analyze the economic situation of the City of Algete?
R - Algete City Council is in a state of economic collapse are difficult to solve, hence the challenge. In these four years has been chosen to give back to reality, has spent as if the crisis is not with us and even worse without worrying about how to find the resources to pay these costs, it has squandered on non-essential spending and sumptuous at the same time that gave the municipal assets. Remember how it has delivered one million square meters to a private entity in exchange for discounts to play golf, when this spot could be a lifeline for our economy or the mayor rides in official car paid for all algeteños. There is a general waste of municipal resources and an irresponsible attitude on the forecast of revenue. Something which has led to year after year we have a difference between expenditure and revenue of five million euro and 30 million accumulated debt out there, with PP-Union Santo Domingo, in the municipal accounts.
Q-What you think about the attacks suffered by the PSOE Algete from Juarez Inmaculada's candidacy?
R - The Union attacks Santo Domingo PP-PSOE Algete are immoral. But most immoral is to see the Immaculate spokesman Juárez to such attacks is a David Erect who lives in Madrid, which is on the lists of Madrid and has worked only in the last term to earn a salary of almost not appear Algete by the municipality.
The commitment of socialists is to Algete and we want to talk about realities and offer solutions, convinced that algeteños will appreciate our work. Against our reality is the amazing campaign of opposition to the PP Algete held against the Opposition, as if it was the socialist group responsible for the management and zero waste, that during the past four years we have suffered with Juarez Inmaculada Algete neighbors.
The PSOE during this term the socialist municipal group has been attacked from the municipal government and has endured many obstacles in their work. But at the race surprised the constant attacks that the PP maintains Santo Domingo to the PSOE Algete, when what should be the dissemination of proposals and explanation of management, or whatever they have been doing. Given that Juarez has Inmaculada breached the 90% of its program. Immaculate
Juárez and his party, always away from the neighbors, have never known the real needs of our people can not defend based management self-interest and are now trying to hide her anger and the attack on who really is an alternative serious government, the PSOE Algete.
P - Nacho Pinedo is a historical reference of the PSOE and algeteño of birth. From that position, what will be the priorities of the PSOE in front of City Hall Algete?
R-The Socialist Party intends to make economically viable Algete City Council. And we do not cut services to the public. It is our intention to reach a large municipal agreement which can ensure that all together, we address the difficult situation inherited from years of mismanagement of PP-Union Santo Domingo.
As algeteño, knowing my neighbors, I know that together we will achieve what we set out. The problem of Juarez Inmaculada PP-Union and Santo Domingo have never believed in or on the algeteños Algete.
In May 2011 Algete make the change and we will make a draft Algete algeteños and leave behind the Juarez Inmaculada project in Santo Domingo and Santo Domingo.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Deck Blue Defensive Magic
Amparo Carlos, colleagues, neighbors Algete. Thank you all for being today in the submission of the PSOE Algete.
A bid of men and women who have the backing of part of a party, the English Socialist Workers Party, with more than 130 years of history and a path in front of municipal and regional governments ... in front of the Government of Spain ... a history of working for and with citizens. Work and personal sacrifices for their neighbors, their people and their land.
Well, here we have it. Here we are.
A bid, made by algeteños. Think Algete and Algete. And they are not sold to the interests of a few, or the particular interest of a party or an ideology. Because
socialist as you have here before you know we're here to serve the citizens, to put our ideology and our party at their service.
I'm going to explain and are you going to understand very easily. Can you trust someone who thinks only of having power and maintain it? Can we trust politicians who only think about them? Well, that is the People's Party Algete. His identification with power is such that it seems that their only function these four years has been that of Mrs. Juarez, being in power. Occupying power, not lose it. Whatever the case, against whoever.
are ambition for power and are obsessed with keeping it. Ambition and obsession with power which leads them to the Popular Party in government to do the opposite of what DIDENA in opposition. And failed to fulfill its promises with the same speed with which they invent new lies and failures.
... go out into the street, talk to citizens, and we explain how important it is to analyze and judge the result of the Juárez Immaculate policies in front of the municipal government. Demagogic policies. Policies that have divided algeteños on developments to punish or reward each other according to what they think voters. Policies that destroy the education system, abused women, including teens and punishes the weak.
. Look ...
Today we pay 30 percent more than IBI. How today's public companies and the City Council become PP placement agencies. How now spends more than a million euros in positions of trust. How today there are more unemployed in Algete.
and sincerely. Look ... How
Algete socialist pledge to free textbooks for families. How we save 1 million euros to eliminate the figure of the positions of trust. How can we promote public employees to management positions. How do Algete capital of culture, sport or social policies.
It's time to tell the citizens to defend their freedom begins with equality. Playing field in education or health.
It's time to explain to many neighbors that we retrieve a free public education and quality.
It's time to say BASTA politicians, such as the Popular Party, which carry the lies and manipulation by flag.
Term. And I do request that the May 23 put all our best to open a process of extensive and sincere dialogue on key municipal problems. And what happens, if this dialogue, to once and for all a little common sense in the economic management of the City of Algete.
algeteños Algete and deserve, need, policy makers and higher order than those who take their initials election.
're going to change. We will give color to its streets, its people. Let's give them hope for a better future.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Old School Motorcycle Tyres
press release on our proposals for youth Algete ...." To win the young. " ----
Jorge Rodriguez, PSOE candidate for Mayor of Algete: "We are the party of young people."
Jorge Rodriguez has said that the PSOE Algete "puts the youth at the center of political action, offering real solutions. We move away from these commitments impossible PP candidate that have been failing over 90% of his promises in 2007 ".
Rodriguez said that climate change" the Socialists are the party of youth "and has backed this statement three realities. First, because "the PSOE bet by promoting a quality public school for all ages and accompanying young people in their training and their first employment decisions. Trained and coached. We do not abandon their young algeteños luck. "Second, because" the PSOE Algete we have an inexhaustible source of young supporters. " And third, because "our commitments to our young people are on realities that they demand. We listened to them and avoid imposing things we do not ask. "
" What the Socialists were committed at the municipal level is supported by our commitment to youth nationwide. The Socialists are implementing a series of initiatives to address the problems, demands and concerns of young people. "
Socialists remembered as the General State Budget investment picked up a scholarship of 1,430 million euros, 2.6 percent more than last year, the fate of 7,300 million euros to active employment policies, or more 300 million euros to facilitate youth access to rental housing.
Jorge Rodríguez has shelled some of their commitments if the mayor does Algete on 22 May. Proposals covering "from the extended hours of schools with the idea of \u200b\u200bimproving the reconciliation of personal, work and family through measures to combat school failure, enlargement of the study rooms and libraries, or a subject in which we are placing special emphasis such as initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurial culture and leisure time of our youth " . Algete
Socialists want to show their support for associations and youth groups offering "more momentum and more support on issues related to the association and the creation of forums to debate and networking." Stressing the need to "implement the Youth Council in particular because associations and youth in general need to be represented to be expressed also in the field specific local ".
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Electric Flux Cube Charge
With decisions so "desperate" and so little "thought" you start to notice that Immaculate Juarez David no longer has to Erect beside her and others Davico or herself begin to make decisions ....
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Meaning Of Breasts Tender.
I leave the post on the blog of the residents of District 5-Pradonorte. Suspense generally giving the neighbors to the lists of PP in Algete (for Santo Domingo) and represent the "without project" and "no management" of their candidate Inmaculada Juárez:
En las páginas 10 a 13 del documento adjunto, que corresponden a las número 60 a 63 del Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid nº93 del miércoles 20 de abril del presente, se publican las listas electorales de los partidos políticos que concurren a las elecciones municipales de 22 de mayo en Algete. ( Pinchar aquí para acceder al documento )
Parece que los hubieran ordenado, supongo que sin ninguna intención, por opción política, desde la extrema izquierda hasta la extrema derecha. Aunque en algún caso no estaría clara esa hipotética adscripción.
La proclamación de las listas electorales, esto es, los nombres de los candidatos a concejales, debería ser motivo de orgullo para los partidos políticos ante la ciudadanía. Se supone que son las mejores espadas las que van to decide the electoral duel, and this is the most important, representing the neighbors for four years on full municipal, which is the legislative body, and the government team, which is the executive body, as in the municipal area it is not appropriate to talk of power itself.
excepted, as everything is possible but has done everything to be informed on all political parties because, after all, I am a neighbor I am called to the polls to elect my representatives, with the peculiarity that I belong, and I'm proud of it, the PSOE's electoral list Algete, only two political formations made public electoral lists, ie, IU and the PSOE. In the case of the PSOE convinced that we are the best and that's why we make it public so that everyone knows it, so that we all know and we all value as the best option.
I do not want to analyze, in a generic way, the reasons why every party has acted as it has done, I guess it depends on the strategy of each, but do not vote who does not want (electorally speaking ) and do not love who is not known. UPyD the case is paradigmatic of a party that has opted for a national strategy, as it has recognized their leader (reference: electoral propaganda distributed in Alcobendas) strategy that is useless for local parties and that should result in the benefits, if the premium, or misery, Union for Santo Domingo, from their lists.
PP case is unique because it is the ruler and, I suppose, intended to govern in the next legislature. He has not released the list, and its manufacturing process has been stormy. Apparently broken the pact with Union Santo Domingo, fled Upright (is sinking the ship and flee so that you first leave?), And a divided party multiple warring factions together by power struggles and appearance , the preparation of the list was presented as a challenge almost impossible to achieve.
Desperate ridicule that would not be listed or the rupture of the match in a string of small groups of independents, the end result has been more than disappointing to those who have decided to vote for this training. Perhaps that is why your local campaign has been and probably will, and will exist as UPyD, relying on the alleged national and regional pull.
PP The list presents significant absences and shows that the de facto agreement with Santo Domingo Union remains in force, as their number 3 and 6 are members of this party and secessionist minimalist style. The little theater that have mounted with the break is just that, an appetizer tragicomic. Laugh funny because what they have assembled to try to dramatize the tragic breaking of the pact and so would be back to this de facto coalition government ahead Algete, since neither would be no crumbs for Algete (and this a migajillas for District 5 and Pradonorte).
Let's look at the lists, well, the first twelve positions and compare the candidates of both parties with the option of government, apart from the possible electoral coalitions by the PP, because the PSOE rule only if you get the endorsement of the majority, in case anyone had not heard yet.
1 Jorge Rodríguez Barrientos / Mary Immaculate Juárez Meléndez. The best candidate to face the worst mayor. Who does not know Jorge Rodriguez and who does not know the Immaculate Juárez mayor? Closer to citizens and efficiency in managing the front of the best computer from nothing enlightened despotism and management marked by sectarianism and waste.
2 Mary Emerald Square Simo / Cesareo de la Puebla de Mesa. A candidate who believes in the efficiency, effectiveness and good performance of public services as the best way to serve the citizens, a council of economy responsible for the failure of the municipality with 30 million of reported debt and five million annual deficit (more than what they have stored in drawers) and that as he acknowledges, "does not understand numbers."
3 José Ignacio Pinedo Hernandez / Beatriz Maria Gonzalez de Castejon Rodríguez-Salmon. Nacho Pinedo was alderman of Finance in a time when neighbors taxes were used to invest and pay services. Beatrice, or as it is known colloquially Betina, I can only say that he was the coordinator of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo is in Union and is a kind and cordial.
4 José María López Sánchez / Emilio Lopez Ivan Monasterio. I do not like to speak well of me or ill of my hand, though the latter is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Me speaking other on Emilio say it is an educated person but as a council worth less than a zero.
5 Quijano Rosa Maria Freire / Mariano Pérez Hidalgo. Rosa is responsible for the Family Association, Women and the future and its endorsement is the management that has been impressive in front of it. Mariano tell you personally get along, we both have been wise men, but maintenance at the helm of the people, parks and gardens and the company has been disastrous Geseral.
6 Matilde Pérez Caparroz / Lourdes Chocano de Villota. Mati is a hard worker and a safe in one of the stakes of the PSOE: education. Lourdes, famous for his sentence in full "I'm not PP!" And that comes from Santo Domingo Union, has carried at the head of management education to forget. School load almost Johnatan Galea, who saved the decisive action by parents of students. Much will have had to beg the mayor Lourdes to continue after his attack at the heart of sincerity.
7 Carlos Espinosa Muñoz / David Sújar Martin. Carlos will be the effective management of municipal services. David a kid outside Algete has been at the forefront of communication in the municipality, imposed by David Erect, and therefore responsible for the recent seasons, nothing lucky, self-aggrandizement of the mayor, as the investment map ( most of them from previous legislatures, not finished or even begun) that nobody understands and the triptych funded by developers.
8 Anastasio Fernandez Sauce / Noemí Galán Rico. Tasio is professor and director of school. Education, one of the bets of the PSOE, has Tasio as great defender. Naomi has been the coordinator of District 5, I guess you have nothing better in the district following the resignation of Juncal and how evil they have chosen the first thing that happened to them.
9 Maria de Gracia Sánchez Nahas / José Luis Cardona Calleja. Grace is the president of the Association Algete Extremadura, knows the world of associations like the palm of his hand, which develops with diplomacy and good work. As the gospels "by their deeds you shall know them", take a look at District 5 bike lane or pool deck, etc.., And know the current infrastructure and sports council.
10 Morilla Dolores Rueda / Cristina Expósito de Frutos. Lola is a professional expert in the arduous task of managing all grateful and in the intricacies of local government and a municipality with 250 employees needs someone like Lola. Cristina just know that is an official and ... in this era of layoffs of municipal employees is it she who was responsible for running the ERE has prepared Immaculate Juarez to the officials? Of course, in exchange for keeping his job.
Estévez Angeles 11 Mary Corruchaga / María Nieves Pérez Aranda. Maria Angeles is a tireless worker and has that rare and necessary gift of empathy, knows to take the place of another person. On the current Town Planning and the environment I can only say he has not done anything. Sad sad is put this person in a list, because it shows a poverty of any kind of concern.
12 Raúl García Herrera / Imanol Bailén Vigil. About Raul say he has lived, and suffered, about what being in front of city hall, all well known, reputed a lawyer and son of former Mayor Jesus Herrera. About Imanol say they do not deserve abuse that the mayor had subjected him. Educated but immature ways are clearly not assume that it is a council member 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
W.w.w Russian Bare Com
be brief. Juarez Inmaculada rabies by internal defections has been paid to the PSOE Algete. And his way of expressing their anger, helplessness and frustration with his usual trickery ... another false report, falsifying data, against the PSOE Algete. Urge
Algete change. Urge institutions to expel those who mistreat their immoral actions.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Blueprints Of Wooden Model Cars
As if the flag of Spain was a dirty rag. Outrageous party and negligent use doing PP Panda symbol of the English.
So is the Flag of Spain, Madrid and Juarez Inmaculada Algete
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What Does A Minnesota Business License Look Like
Sunday, April 10, 2011
How Long Knead Whole Wheat Dough In Mixer
Tasio and Matilda are currently PSOE councilors at City Hall Algete. Responsible education, professionals in the field and in the case of Tasio, the Director of the Virgen de la Paz in Alcobendas. What skills are municipalities in education? education competencies are transferred from the National Government to the Autonomous Regions, so are these the ones with the best performance obligation and responsibility to reduce to the minimum school failure. Local councils have no powers in education, but they are responsible for the welfare of its citizens, and one of the elements being of a society is education, so from municipalities must be carried out and propose action programs complement and extend the offer in education. "It just skills, what can be done from the council of education? Most proposal should seek to extend the offer made by the Ministry of Education and aid to families in this critical time the education of their children is not a burden but a hope for the future. What are your guidelines in education? We have proposed three stages of the education of our citizens. In primary education are primarily aimed at supporting families, to make the education of the young is an opportunity and not a burden, so get the free textbooks, and programs will be organized so that parents can rest easy when their jobs do not address their children and thus can be reached reconciling work and family life. As seen, unlike the proposals of the PP in which you tend to copayments for something so basic to citizens such as education, we try to universalize the possibility of receiving no comparative grievances is what you get with the fact to share in the costs of education to citizens. In high school, where there is more school failure, which is not a failure of the "school" but the administration appropriate education, we will coordinate with the IES Algete to support the education of our youth through extracurricular activities and will promote a real and committed to the implementation of vocational training, both as above average. On the other hand, in collaboration with the Department of Sports, will promote the participation of students in secondary schools in various sports competitions proposed in Madrid. "Mens sana in corpore sano." In the adult and continuing education are going to create a People's University Algete (UPAL), it may make all the courses that affect the elderly, Continuing Education, Literacy qualification for secondary education, etc. and as a differentiator to other Popular Universities incorporating this in a section of the UNED. What can you do school failure? As previously stated school failure is a failure of the students, but education authorities, in this case and depends on education is transferred from the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid, and although this current aldermen could provide a justification for not doing anything, not us, and we will take steps to, in our area, to reverse the current situation. Our young people deserve it. To this we will organize after-school programs in full coordination with schools and establish extra-curricular activities aimed at improving the academic performance of our neighbors. What's that for free textbooks? The PSOE Education is seen as a cornerstone of the rights of citizens, and a right should not cost money, because if not, would have more rights than those who had more money. Therefore we will require those who have skills in Education, or the Community of Madrid, free textbooks, but as we are realistic and know that it will not be possible today for tomorrow, meanwhile, City Hall will be governed by the Socialists that free textbooks are real. Where going to be funding for this expenditure, the crisis is upon us? We have detected "niche" unnecessary expenditure that benefit only the usual, official car and driver including the mayor, personal trust with outrageous salaries, double salaries paid to have reliable staff who perform tasks that can be performed by technicians Hall, etc ... More than 1 million euros! The question would lie in, once found the categories of spending that can be saved, where we would use those resources. Well, for socialists no doubt in Education. Training is a lack and a need in Algete. What steps to take to think that there is a training offer enough to the needs of algeteños? We all know that in times of economic crisis the first thing that suffers is employment. And as there is a wide range of work, may find those who are better prepared. We would begin by gathering the necessary information: labor demand, talking with area companies, personal demands, asking applicants for Apprenticeship and physical possibilities of implementation in HEIs Algete. With this information present a proposal to the DAT-North with the intention of reaching an agreement and the sooner our people can get training to enable them to get a decent job at this critical time.
"Our commitment is to eliminate the positions of trust in the City of Algete, saving more than 1 million euros in wages ... that today, Immaculate Juárez, pay their politicians . We will encourage the presence of public employees in those positions. And will spend that million euros in dignifying Algete Public School. "
Thursday, April 7, 2011
What Happened To Fakku/
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Mini Cooper Restauration
Monday, April 4, 2011
Do Blacks Get Ringworm
. Draws attention to this appointment a month before the election.
. When talking to both Immaculate Juarez has lost the mayoralty to the PSOE.
. That in Santo Domingo have been shown against the conduct of this lady.
. O has been reported that some builders pay institutional propaganda that PP-Union Immaculate Santo Domingo de Juárez.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wine Hart Pulpitations
neighbors have taken to condemning attacks that endorses Juarez Inmaculada families Algete by the fact be socialist. -
neighbors condemn the dismissal of workers by subjective criteria that could be extended to other municipal workers. A Juarez Inmaculada not mind harming public services. For PP-Santo Domingo Union first and then one of them. -
The neighbors complain about the unethical and aesthetic relationship ... JUAREZ CONSTRUCTION-IMMACULATE-PROPAGANDA-CITY OF ALGETE.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Picking Nose Causing Scabs
I leave the news published http://www.psoealgete.org/ . ..... Algete PSOE's proposals for the neighbors, while PP-Santo Domingo Union is dedicated to attacking the socialists for not having to explain that several builders are paid advertising. ----- JorgeAlgete2011 .. textbooks and free uniforms in public schools Algete if the PSOE won the elections. The socialist candidate for mayor of Algete, Jorge Rodriguez, said that "we will overcome the economic collapse Algete City Council for an ambitious investment plan for improving facilities in schools public and will include free access to textbooks and, optionally, to the uniforms. "