UNIVERSITY IN NEED REORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________
The National Assembly of Rectors ordered the installation of a Temporary Governing Board Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal in order to resolve the impasse that is ungovernable in this upper house of studies. The Board will reorganize responsibility categorically to the university and also be responsible for forming an election committee within external peremptory writs of election to the new university authorities. should be noted that this step taken by the highest governing body of the national university system, will not cause any harm to the students because the teaching classes continue as normal, and the reorganization process will seek to improve quality education and to ensure transparent and efficient administrative processes.
Regarding this problem, Congressman José Antonio Vega, president of Supervisory Commission and Comptroller of the Republic Congress. promoter of the creation of universities in the most populous country and boost the fight against corruption, expressed his interest in the subject indicating that "is necessary to ensure the quality of education in public universities and that once students to complete their respective cycles studies, have access to adequate administrative processes in the area to ensure and expedite the delivery of documents such as academic degrees obtained. " ______________________________________________________________________________
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