Sunday, March 16, 2008

Franchise Agreement Pdf Franchise Agreement?


Leo in the newspaper The Observer an article which stated that Sen. Lucia Topolansky
aims to implement the Law on Volunteerism for the restoration of educational buildings.

As is clear in the article, what is intended by the senators "... call neighbors of the 10 high schools in which classes did not begin by building problems to make the necessary arrangements. According to Topolansky three weekends in a row would be enough to make about schools have come down by the passage of time and lack of budget. In this project put into operation, ANEP shall appoint a capable force and the Ministry of Labour inspector to head up the work .... .'s aides will not receive any salary, as indicated by the Law on Volunteerism. "

is, you estimate a Uruguayan citizen who pays taxes (and if not paid, badly done), you have to devote weekend rather than sit, relax and enjoy with your family ... to laburar to make the endurance (and eat the shank) to the government. That

provide work for those who do not, the needy, make the lower classes without income people with dignity through work ... Where is it?.

Nothing ... keep up the patronage of .... BREAD turnips always be provided to support the country. While the "masters of management" as Ms. Mujica Topolansky get the medals ...

PS ... Did you see the framed photo is not the "Pepe"?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Urine Scent In Undies When On Period

the blog of Professor

Monday, March 3, 2008

Games Like Pusooy Net


Under dictator Fidel Castro, hopefully not for long as they sound the trumpets of war in Latin America.

do respect the dictator?

Well, the new tripartite crisis arose between Colombia-Ecuador-Venezuela, which is exacerbated by the increasing provocations by the followers of Castro, Chavez and Correa to understand.

The sequence of events can follow the here.

What is meant by an act in legitimate defense of the Colombian people and its democracy, is attacked by the characters more dangerous to the stability of the region and for the proper development of democracy within it.

Funny yet annoying to see how Chavez, who is the Venezuelan opposition Democrats, sending the riot police, army and even their "paramilitary battalions," Chavez, to pass as a roller on opposition in peaceful demonstrations. And also interferes in internal affairs of a neighboring country much more democratic than his own, saying that what he has done was a slaughter.

What was this and why?

The slaughter, in the words of Chavez, the Colombian army was struck in a military operation to Raul Reyes, one of the leaders of the FARC terrorist guerrillas. And again, reiterating the words of Chavez and his new lapdog, Correa was the terrorists while they slept. We're all crazy ...

seems that began operation in Colombia along the border with Ecuador and finished in the territory of that country.

But what else can you do Colombia? ... What other decision could make President Uribe's two neighbors, one east and one west, who support, finance and offer sanctuary insurance to the terrorists of the FARC?.

I know that comparisons are odious, but if Colombia were in place as is Spain, which had as neighbors and countries that act as France struggle against ETA terrorists, surely not should have been reached this situation to penetrate into Ecuadorian territory to carry out a punitive action of this caliber.

Unfortunately for Colombia, despite the huge effort is underway to live in peace and economic growth becoming a little at one of the strongest economies of the continent, must endure this situation for you lead closest neighbors.

But it is outrageous to see how other leaders of the region, with many more pretensions of democratic and moderate, as President Bachelet of Chile, who dares to ask an explanation from Colombia, saying that ". .. the border and boundaries of countries are based on many international agreements and is an extremely delicate situation that can be transferred (the border) for any purpose, legitimate or illegitimate. We are extremely concerned about that. We regret we can not agree to not enforce the border, for any reason and, above all, Ecuador has been assaulted in this way intervention "

And how the hell did the Colombians must feel, knowing that the terrorists who kidnap, torture and the massacre, are protected by two states that do not just turn deaf ears, but provide all type of support: financial, military, material and moral? What I respond to this President?. Yes, better shut up ....

thing about this military action by Colombian troops, is also to eliminate one of the leaders, if not the most important of the FARC, it has served to expose the schemes of Chavez and Correa. In the laptop of FARC's leader, appeared documentation involved in a clear and conspicuous the leaders of the current regimes of Venezuela and Ecuador.

I opposed the dictator Fidel Castro, I do not think there will be conflict in Latin America and less about such issues. Mainly, because despite the movement of troops towards the border with Colombia, not interested or less to Venezuela and Ecuador. Colombia despite that might appear to be disadvantaged, has the full support of the USA, which would put the entire economic and military support services Uribe. And that Chavez knows it and has enough in mind ... despite their apelike, not so foolish.

Democrats and all those who want peace, we must give full support to President Uribe and ask other leaders with great weight in the region as Lula, Kirchner, to our Tabaré are made from .... of Colombia, which in this case has reason and morality on their side .